Scrap cannon file


New Member
Hello, does anyone know where I can get a 3D scale model of the Scrap Cannon?


  • dhe7h0x-aa0ef8b1-5624-437c-b8d4-d5d033e4a0d8.png
    236.1 KB · Views: 8
went on a bit of a search in spots where I'd expect, but to no avail.

closest lead I could find was a comment on the original game models showcase, where a guy called Admiral Forever said they're working on a model for cosplay. However that was a year ago, and he hasn't posted it to his ArtStation.

Hopefully someone else will come forward with one, but if there is no existing model out there already, I know that BlazingForge is attempting to model alot of Infinites weapons, perhaps he will get around to it eventually? No guarantees tho, you'd have to ask the man himself.

went on a bit of a search in spots where I'd expect, but to no avail.

closest lead I could find was a comment on the original game models showcase, where a guy called Admiral Forever said they're working on a model for cosplay. However that was a year ago, and he hasn't posted it to his ArtStation.

Hopefully someone else will come forward with one, but if there is no existing model out there already, I know that BlazingForge is attempting to model alot of Infinites weapons, perhaps he will get around to it eventually? No guarantees tho, you'd have to ask the man himself.

Unfit Armory that’s your username isn’t it?

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