See-through ODST visor


New Member
Hi folks, was recently playing through Halo 3 ODST and had an idea. In game the ODST's can make their visor see-through at will (without physically moving the visor out of the way). I know that one-way mirrors operate on the principle that one side needs to be much darker than the other. My thought was putting lights inside the helmet that you could illuminate to get rid of the one-way effect whenever you wanted. Let me know what y'all think and if anyone has ever done something like this before.
Hi folks, was recently playing through Halo 3 ODST and had an idea. In game the ODST's can make their visor see-through at will (without physically moving the visor out of the way). I know that one-way mirrors operate on the principle that one side needs to be much darker than the other. My thought was putting lights inside the helmet that you could illuminate to get rid of the one-way effect whenever you wanted. Let me know what y'all think and if anyone has ever done something like this before.
I haven't done it with an ODST but i had a light strip inside my Chief helmet for "party mode". i will say it does make it hard to see out as not only are the lights in your eyes, but the whole visor instantly blinds you with the mirror finish. Regardless it will definitely give you the results you want for the most part.
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I've tried to do some digging to see what I can find for you. I'm surprised there aren't more threads about this, because I could have sword I've seen many people do this. Here's some useful information I was able to find:

Cadet gave some assistance to another user in this post back in 2022:
"As for how to attempt to achieve the effect without the needing any mechanical or moving parts, many of our mirrored our tinted visors work on the principle of the vast majority of the light being blocked on the inside of the helmet. If you hold up most tinted or mirrored visors up on their own you can usually see right through them very easily. I once knew a fellow member who bought a mirrored visor on Etsy and when he got it was starting to complain that he thought he was ripped off as he could see through it and it didn't seem very mirrored at all. I advised him to try it on his helmet before he asked for a refund or made an issue with the vendor. Lo and Behold, once installed on his helmet, it was more than sufficiently mirrored and prevented him from seeing through.

That's a long way to go to just say, it could be possible to mount some nice bright LEDs on the inside of your helmet aimed at the visor that when activated could negate the tint or mirroring effect of most visors enough for your face to be visble-ish. You won't be able to achieve the perfectly clear look of a mechanical moving visor, and obviously not like the in game or CGI in the We Are ODST TV commercial, but it might be a nice approximation for cheaper than moving visor. "

A user by the name of Shiroppi made an ODST helmet with lights on the inside to change between transparent and opaque, although I'm not sure his visor has the 3-dimmensional detroi you're looking for. See their thread below

Rock Lobbster has made a very impressive 'flip' visor that uses a small motor to mechanically raise and lower a tinted visor. Here is his original thread and an update thread

You may find this thread to be the most useful. Sean Bradley made an ODST helmet way back in 2010 (no wonder it was so hard to find) using the dark-tinted visor and LED method. The visor has the 3-dimmensional look you're going for as well. He has a video and lots of pictures of the system working. He also gave some general wiring advice. Check out that thread here

I hope this info is helpful!
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Thanks Cadet, I was just about to respond with that thread.

Hi folks, was recently playing through Halo 3 ODST and had an idea. In game the ODST's can make their visor see-through at will (without physically moving the visor out of the way). I know that one-way mirrors operate on the principle that one side needs to be much darker than the other. My thought was putting lights inside the helmet that you could illuminate to get rid of the one-way effect whenever you wanted. Let me know what y'all think and if anyone has ever done something like this before.
I think in theory, it will work. I've tested it with my Jazwares Chief helmet to have a test, and that visor goes super clear with that method. I had the light point down from my forehead into the visor itself and it worked well.

I know for my Halo 2 ODST helmet this method will be super effective, as the visor is already a nice deep purple. As for Halo 3 ODST helmets, it seems to work. In that thread I made (that Cadet linked), Nate compiled a bunch of useful references.

Also just found the below video, posted 9 days ago. Seems to use that material in those digital sunglasses to polarise the visor at a click of a button. Pretty cool, but no doubt alot more involved and probably more $$

Can't wait to implement this feature myself, and hopefully look forward to seeing your attempt. Best of luck!
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