Props Sgt Forge's M6G - B Reach Magnum

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Sgt Forge

Alright guys, I searched around and realized there isn't much in the way of blueprints for the Halo Reach Magnum. So I worked on this today. Its life size in the file. I don't think I'll make the other views, mostly because I made this for myself and I know roughly how everything else goes in the gun.

But anyway I figured I'd share it for all of you here on the 405th.

Hope you enjoy!

Below is the LIFESIZE image file. BUT BE WARNED, its at 300 DPI, so if you are printing in MSPaint, go to page setup and choose fit to: 1 x 1 page.

Now here is the file.

Lifesize Image:
wow looks like an amazing project. what is your main building supplies going to be (sorry if i didn't catch it). if you want to add decals might i recommend getting decal paper instead of painting it would much better. i just thought i would throw that suggestion out, i don't really know much about decal paper except its great for modeling and etc
Haha at first I thought the magnum you were building was the Sgt. Forge from Halo Wars, then I realized your username. Great blue prints. Very clean. Good luck!
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