Shadowshail's H2A ODST Build Thread


405th Regiment Officer
Hello all!

I have started yet another project! Halo 2 Anniversary ODST!!

Im not sure to what detail i will have in this as life is pretty busy and i might be a little lazy in describing things, so ask away if you have any questions about anything.

My 3d print files are by Titlewave on Etsy and they are superb!

Armor pieces:
Shoulders- PRINTED

I have come to the conclusion that i will need to make the undersuit from scratch. I am going for game accuracy and have not been able to find a BDU set that the chest isnt a solid color. The sides of the chest in the reference images have camo pattern and all the new BDU's with the camo pattern and color i need have a solid color on the chest part.

I did find a seller on Etsy that sells the navy blue camo pattern that is used and i may just buy a bunch of material from them and dye it a little darker to get closer to the in game color shade.

There is also a ribbed rubberesque cloth on the BDU's as well as the gloves that I am currently experimenting on and by sewing the BDU's myself I can help make that look like it was meant to be there instead of an addition to the clothing.

The gloves also need a bit of extra BDU camo pattern cloth on them so this whole process will help make it all uniform.

for the rubber looking neck seal and thigh parts my wife found me a yoga mat that has the bumps thats really close to that look so that is what i will be using for those parts.

I might be using some of my older work steel toe boots for this as they have the nice heel on them that fits the in game references.

Doing a lot of researching and talking with others that have made the suit before has led me to the conclusion that I will be making my own for all the different types of pouches that are on this. I have some canvas fabric to test some things on before i begin my journey into making my own patterns and mass producing for the 13 or so pouches on the kit.

Now heres some pictures of progress and fitting!























Hope you all enjoy!
Hell yeah, the more H2A ODSTs, the better.

i will need to make the undersuit from scratch. I am going for game accuracy and have not been able to find a BDU set that the chest isnt a solid color. The sides of the chest in the reference images have camo pattern and all the new BDU's with the camo pattern and color i need have a solid color on the chest part.
Best of luck with it! Can't wait to see how it turns out.

There is also a ribbed rubberesque cloth on the BDU's as well as the gloves that I am currently experimenting on and by sewing the BDU's myself I can help make that look like it was meant to be there instead of an addition to the clothing.
If you check out @reclaimercreations on Instagram, he's sewed his on recently and it looks great, I'm sure he'd love to talk about the process (I've been bothering him to make a build thread here lol)

for the rubber looking neck seal and thigh parts my wife found me a yoga mat that has the bumps thats really close to that look so that is what i will be using for those parts.
I'd love to see some photos when it's implemented!

And seriously, good luck on the custom pouches. I seriously think it will add so much to the build. Can't wait to see updates!!
If you check out @reclaimercreations on Instagram, he's sewed his on recently and it looks great, I'm sure he'd love to talk about the process (I've been bothering him to make a build thread here lol)
Im going to check them out here soon, thanks for the recommendation!

I'd love to see some photos when it's implemented!
When that happens ill of course update it, im just as excited as you lol

And seriously, good luck on the custom pouches. I seriously think it will add so much to the build. Can't wait to see updates!!
It feels a little daunting since ive never sewn pouches before but ive been talking to some of our sewing peeps on the discord and getting lots of help!

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