hi everyone , this is my other account since i cant post anything with my other ( charlie 117 ) dont know why.. but i was wondering how can i fix my shredder helmet that is all wide open. i didnt have anything to hold it in the right place so when the resin cured it stayed that way so it looks weird... i dont mind pepping it again since it was very fast and easy but i want to try and fix it since ive seen builders fix warping, bumps, holes , etc. here are some pics of the pep stage to resin since i already post it on my other account but decided to start over a new thread. that blue stuff is the hardner for the bondo lol, yes i have a difrent brand since in my country like i said is very dificult to find thes types of materials so i did a 2 hour drive of supplies and this is what i got so far. also a huge huge huuuuuuuuuuuge thanks to mr cereal killer. ive been following hes videos and there a huge help.
i got bondo, resin , bondo hardner , resin hardner , respirator, disposable brushes, needle files , black and decker mouse sander with 80 grit sand paper and 120 grit , primer paint can , metal mesh for shredders cheeks and mouth parts, bondo squigees thingys , a couple of sticks to mix the resin or bondo , a plate in where i can mix the bondo so i dont use any other surfaces that might be damaged or ruined by the bondo, tools cage so i can stock up everything there and dont make a mess and a spray grip so it can be easy to use the spray can so i dont get my finger tired lol. all a total of 200 dollars so as you can see i am dead series and my wife told me to go for a fiberglass helmet since its much detailed, awesome and epic. so yeah you guys. here are some shredder pics
sorry that is not a halo helmet , i want to practice with easy peps before i get to a complicated halo helmet and beleive me i love halo but i dont want to wasted my materials because it was alot of money involved and because it was a long drive to get them lol ( 2 hours )
so lets take some baby steps before i go in deep with the sharks ok?
i got bondo, resin , bondo hardner , resin hardner , respirator, disposable brushes, needle files , black and decker mouse sander with 80 grit sand paper and 120 grit , primer paint can , metal mesh for shredders cheeks and mouth parts, bondo squigees thingys , a couple of sticks to mix the resin or bondo , a plate in where i can mix the bondo so i dont use any other surfaces that might be damaged or ruined by the bondo, tools cage so i can stock up everything there and dont make a mess and a spray grip so it can be easy to use the spray can so i dont get my finger tired lol. all a total of 200 dollars so as you can see i am dead series and my wife told me to go for a fiberglass helmet since its much detailed, awesome and epic. so yeah you guys. here are some shredder pics
sorry that is not a halo helmet , i want to practice with easy peps before i get to a complicated halo helmet and beleive me i love halo but i dont want to wasted my materials because it was alot of money involved and because it was a long drive to get them lol ( 2 hours )
so lets take some baby steps before i go in deep with the sharks ok?