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I saw that the mandalorian mercs have an extensive detailed description of what the armors must contain to be official. Reading that seemed a little overkill, but also, its good to have clear description of expectations.

I thought it would be good to do something similar. It would be nice (although a significant time commitment) to have some kind of official guide as to what is considered canon for different armors. This could be a document or just a thread that outlines which attachments, weapon choices, colors, or whatever are considered canonical for each character. I know other people have asked other questions about weapon attachments and whatnot too.

Not that we wouldn't allow custom things, but with regards to the deployment tiers, it might be good to know that for tier 3, an ODST can't use covenant weapons or have pink stripes or if I paint my SMG pink it will default me to tier 1.

It also doesn't have to be as specific or detailed as to say where detailing paint can go or exact locations of certain decals, but for general things like what color visors are considered canon for which characters. Can ODST have a silver visor? Gold? Purple? I don't know.

I know that currently our metric is what's allowed in the custom character multiplayer options, but it seems like having a more defined and easily referenced guide would be helpful, as I dont necessesarily want to open up the Master Chief collection every time I want to check on some detail.

I know that this also gets complicated as there are so many variations within each piece of armor for each generation of Spartan, but it seems like it could be a hyperlinked, work in progress type page, so you could go in and click on Halo Reach, then chest armor, then security chest, and then tier level maybe to read about what colors, textures, lights, or whatever are considered canon for each tier. Sounds very complicated but maybe there's a way to do it easily, like make it part of the armory where the divisions are already in place. Maybe in each armor section, there could just be a document that outlines the details for each tier. Certainly a lot of work, but once it is done could be very helpful for new people and everyone. I also volunteer to help with this endeavor, although I may not be the most knowledgeable person for it and someone would have to check my work. 

If people think this is a good idea, I can try to rough draft up an example document.

I hope this post makes sense, I am finding it difficult to clearly articulate what I mean these days. All this COVID quarantine is melting my brain.

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