

Jr Member
This is my snow odst aka snowdst armor I have put together. It's a 95% foam build. It's also is made a bit more practical then normal odst builds. I apologize for lack of pics with helmet on it was a recent add on


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WOW I absolutely love this build! Must be really warm to wear at conventions though!

I must know about the fur. What kind of fur is it? Is it easy to work with? Is it warm or heavy to wear? What did you do for the rest of the under suit? Is that all custom sewn or did you have something as a base to build off of? I'm really fascinated by this build because its so unique! I absolutely love it! Great job man!
WOW I absolutely love this build! Must be really warm to wear at conventions though!

I must know about the fur. What kind of fur is it? Is it easy to work with? Is it warm or heavy to wear? What did you do for the rest of the under suit? Is that all custom sewn or did you have something as a base to build off of? I'm really fascinated by this build because its so unique! I absolutely love it! Great job man!
OK starting with the undersuit. It's a US army mechanics gray jumpsuit that I took the pockets off of and sewn on fur. The fur is just fake furr you can find at hobby lobby or Walmart. It is very hot. I wore it in the snow and I was nice and warm. Which sucks because I'm gonna be wearing it in the summer for cons. Must embrace the suck
I saw your tiktok in this armor and fell in love instantly. Even though 110 degree Texas weather will kill me in it, I plan to make my first or second armor very similar to this!

On that note, what did you use for the belt? The rest I have a decent idea of, and my sister's talents in working with clothes, but belts are still a mystery to me.
Im glad you like the armor and that ive inspired you. I would wear the armor in the heat with you anything to look cool lol.

For the belt I took a black 2 inch nylon strap and glued a 2 inch white ribbon to the front. I then add the armor pieces to that. When I got all the armor pieces where I wanted them, I glued the leg cape to it evenly.
If you want I can show and help you through it step by step sometime
That would be awesome. I talked to my sister because she's made clothes and what not for like 10 years now, and she's probably going to do most of the legwork in regards to the leg cape and hood for me. Lol. But a good reference for her would help a lot.

I've already started putting everything together to print so I'll be sure to show how that's coming along. Gonna be doing my own spin on things using the Rakshasa spartan armor as the base since it relies on the base BDU like ODSTs do.
That would be awesome. I talked to my sister because she's made clothes and what not for like 10 years now, and she's probably going to do most of the legwork in regards to the leg cape and hood for me. Lol. But a good reference for her would help a lot.

I've already started putting everything together to print so I'll be sure to show how that's coming along. Gonna be doing my own spin on things using the Rakshasa spartan armor as the base since it relies on the base BDU like ODSTs do.
That sounds great I'll have to make a video on how I did everything for you. If you have any more questions about specific parts just ask away. I'm always happy to help any way I can.

I can't wait to see your armor. I bet it will be way cooler then mine
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