Southern Regiment Roster


Division Staff
405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
1. AugmentedHuman013 - Port Saint Lucie
2. Demogorgon - Bradenton
3. Vrogy - Tallahassee
4. kingair983 - Gainesville
5. Masterchief0624 Miami
6. BMP Props Coconut Creek
7. ShockWave Fort Lauderdale
8. ll Noble 6 ll
9. swampbilly Port Saint Lucie
10. link4044 Orlando/clermont
11. ShadowTrooper Clermont
12. Shadowobliterat Miami.
13. Manbrolorian Tampa
14. andrewjd1124 Palm bay/ Melbourne
15. airdragon9 Titusville
16. scottishlass Orlando
17. HaloRaven Port Saint lucie
18. brkiker Pensacola
19. Gibbon Gainesville
20. Drakesoldier Pensacola
21. Sumofl St. Petersburg
22. Guard1an Jacksonville
23. Redshirt Gulf Breeze
24. itsthatguy
25. ODST Ghost Brandon
26. BlacRoseImmortal Keys
27. cyberdemon35 Sneads
28. MorganWolfblood Haines city
29. dragoncrazed Jacksonville, Gainesville
30. HKarmy03 Tampa
31. Jetskigunner Ocala
32. Burt Lake County
33. ss14g Tallahassee
34. TheReclaimer Orlando
35. F22Jett Bradenton
36. CommandoTNT Coral Springs
37. Acearmada Fort Walton Beach
38 LastLadySpartan Boca Raton
39. Austin3991 Fort Walton Beach
40. MysticMakings high spring
41. ONYX22010 Melbourne
42. tomboy Riverview

1. foxleader Tuscaloosa
2. SirPalesAlot Phenix City
3. cha0skn1ght Birmingham
4. cha0spr1nces5 Birmingham
5. Asgardianhammer Birmingham
6. missymae35
7. Blade AK
8. DoctorCardwell
9. Church Birmingham
10. IMthewalker Bridgeport
11. Kor Montgomery
12. 1337 Central
13. Carolina Birmingham

1. PHIL 907 Northern Georgia'
2. Blackblood Newnan
3. KitKatGoose Newnan
4. mwmanus Atlanta
5. calladar
6. crimsonsun1996 Covington
7. Bea873 Evans
8. Evolver79 Newnan
9. Ryu1304 Buford
10. Crashkitt Atlanta
11. SidneyM2109 Atlanta
12. BGCrisis Atlanta
13. nerdman234 Atlanta
14. benjamin1228 Fort Benning

1. KevZone Olive Branch
2. Lonnolan Gulfport

1. Lt Johnson Alma
2. BHF Dark Phoenx

1. SpartanDelta111
2. Cryptic Props Southern
3. CaptainKrole Slidell
4. smilinbob85 Abbeville

1. Kaya Tetsu Northeast Tennessee and middle Tennessee
2. cayoke Memphis
3. TheOneWithNoName Chattanooga
4. Kyle Birdwell Sweetwater
5. the mack Sparta
6. e3hellcaller Gordonville
7. lordhood32 Chattanooga
8. GREASY1980
9. Promethean3994 Harriman
10. TutlarAce06 Murfreesboro

South Carolina
1. JUSTINIAN 117 Myrtle Beach
2. Nabzaf - Charleston
3. zander013 Myrtle Beach
4. Pizzaguy Ladson
5. Chris Hatter Spartanburg
6. SOVTH Greenville
7. Tyvern Charleston

North Carolina
1. facon5052 Wilimington
2. mouaj Greensboro
3. extresss Raleigh
4. Sytorvian
5. gmstrowabarton Durham
6. Masterchief0624 Charlotte
7. GODIVINA North Carolina
8. Peagis01 Farmville

1. Halo Master Chesapeake
2. Rex 084 Arlington
3. mattmcg13 Richmond
4. RobTC Roanoke
5. JD of Asgard Fort Lee/ Richmond
6. Genobreaker19 Woodford
7. SirRayn0r Midlothian
8. WraithBurst Forest
9. Shadowslayer199 Suffolk

West Virginia

1. vshore100
2. Spoonman606 Western
3. Commander Siv Louisville
4. WraithBurst forest
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Sorry about the back up on this thread. Now completely up to date. Enjoy everyone. As of this date we Have 88 members on our roster. If you are not on here. Fill out the roll call and you will be added to the roster. Eventually I will get around to Organizing things alittle bit better.


PS... Still fixing typing errors in names
missymae35 if Chris created a new username then he has to Pm me to delete the old one. He still has to do an intro to the roll call before we can add him to the list.

Please do not create multiple Id's because I can track the IP address.

Thank you, AugmentedHuman013
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My friend, SidneyM2109, should be on the list too, he's in Atlanta Georgia as well
i have had it to this point that they have to fill out the Roll call to be put on the Roster. I don't have access to see whos in the Regiment. So when a person fills out the Roll call i add them.

i have had it to this point that they have to fill out the Roll call to be put on the Roster. I don't have access to see whos in the Regiment. So when a person fills out the Roll call i add them.


He has filled out the roll call, he actually joined and filled it out about a month or so after I did. In fact, I believe he was actually on the previous list that was like this, but I'm assuming you redid it or something and he's not on there anymore, thats why I was letting you know
He has filled out the roll call, he actually joined and filled it out about a month or so after I did. In fact, I believe he was actually on the previous list that was like this, but I'm assuming you redid it or something and he's not on there anymore, thats why I was letting you know

ok sorry about that i found SidneyM@109. LOL I must of just passed the name. My mistake :D
I know of 2-3 more in the Atlanta area. Hopefully they'll get loving on their builds soon.
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