Space Marine Mark VII helmet WIP

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New Member
Hello 405th,

I've been watching you all create wonderful costumes out of a variety of substances for quite a while. I used to make stuff out of Paper Mache, glue, and plastidip... All of my pieces were scratch built from Reference pictures and were never up to the quality I wanted (especially when I needed to wear them). Through you, I discovered a myriad of like minded people, and the wonder known as PEPAKURA, lol.

I've finally decided to register a username here, and begin participating in the creation of awesomeness. I've been torn between redoing my Skyrim armour set... Mjolnir armour... N7 Armour... and finally space marine. I haven't seen a lot yet, so I decided I would try this avenue of aproach. I haven't gotten any resin agents yet, as I have JUST printed out the pep files on 110lb paper.

Just wanted to partially introduce myself to all those who rocked before me. I'm from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It's cold for the majority of the year, and I like it. I'm a dude, and I also like that. I love sci-fi/fantasy and most anything else that nerds out as hard as I can. Halloween is my favorite day. Recently divorced (Which is why I'm actually able to do things again)... And anything else you'd like to know, you can ask, lol.

I will include my starting image as soon as I find out how to upload it.
Welcome to the 405th! Im also from Canada, (Ontario actually) its good to see another fellow Canadian on the forums. Looking forward to seeing your builds and your progress!:cool
Thanks guys, for the welcome ! I just re read zombiegrimms thread on his ridiculously awesome work getting all those skyrim files unfolded into pdo's. Ebony armour set. Whyyyyy! That's the one I tried to build. Lol, oh well, next time.

Anyways, I'm just about to hit the sack. Finished cutting out 7 of 10 papers for the helmet and my hand was getting a little tight. The cuts weren't outstandingly straight, so hopefully I won't lose too much accuracy.

I've got to re watch some vid tutorials on putting it all together though...
Thanks Spartansonny. I'm sure I'll feel right at home after I get my first attempt done up. I just got back from school and we're gonna watch some Resident Evil. Afterwards I'm gonna see if I can get the rest of those bits cut out of the paper, and then start figuring out where they're going. Pretty excited to see if I've got the right stuff in me.
Welcome to the 405th! Like everyone else, I'm really looking forward to seeing some progress pics of your build!
Alright! After a couple days of christmas shopping, having my kids, and a bunch of other last minute stuff, I actually managed to finish the majority of the helmet! I'm excited as it was actually a lot of fun once you finished cutting all the pieces out. I made a couple mistakes here and there on alignment, but they dont seem to have a horrible effect on the overall. It IS unfortunately too small for my huge head, but thats probably my fault for not printing them out properly. I will include a series of pictures I took as I was putting it all together.





Feel free to criticize my work so I can improve myself next round :). I think my glue job really sucked. Need to take more time I think. Not sure how else to glue outside hot glue
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