Spartan Ab/Midsection Undersuit


New Member
Can someone link me a good file or tutorial for the mid section of a spartan undersuit. I want at LEAST that in my build and im willing to make it myself with foam. I just need a template. I cant find anything anywhere.
Here is N8TEBB's "Under-Suit Help Directory:"
Nate's MK VII ab wrap:

Here's a helpful thread to see how folks made their under suits:

And here's links to other folks posts about how they made their under suits:
Hey Cyno!

Here is a recent thread asking a similar question that may be of use to you!

I was unable to find a file of this undersuit myself when I looked several months back, so I made my own unfold from a game rip! Unfortunately, it is the female file that has been hand-altered to fit me. That being said, if you could tell me what body type you would like to be used from the game, I would be happy to unfold the file and post it here when I get some time, as I have the paid software and lots of practice to do so. If you would like to do this yourself, I would be more than happy to write-up a tutorial for you. You would need the paid version of Pepakura, Armorsmith, and some knowledge of how to use Blender and export game rips from this tutorial HERE.

Let me know if I can assist you with anything else!

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