Spartan IV MkVII Armor Build - WIP

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New Member
Hello! Although I'm not new to costume making, this will be my first foam build ever. From my research it seems to be the best way for movement and weight (with this build planned as a go-to con costume, that has been priority number one), and I'll be supplementing it with printed details or greeblies (like the combat knife). I have a majority of the files I need and am preparing to get measurements taken and start cutting up some foam...but first here is the general plan for this build:

- Full spartan armor with Bandit EVO weapon
- Custom vest/neckseal with fabric ab details with fidlock/strap connections to armor pieces
- Resin helmet from Evakura

I already have had the helmet done for awhile now, and am stoked to get it a suit to pair it with. If you guys have any recommendations or comments I'd be happy to read up and learn more before starting this build up. Also, I am wondering if anyone knows of pepakura files available for the UA/VIATOR shoulder armor from the game (shown on the Spartan's right shoulder)?

Spartan details
Armor core - MARK VII
Color palette - HCS LAUNCH (as seen in later seasons, not the original color scheme from S1)
Helmet - MARK VII
Helmet attachment - CNM(5)/BNR/FASCINATOR
Visor - VANDAL
Chest attachment - TAC/MK 88 RATIO
Right shoulder - UA/VIATOR
Left shoulder - UA/AGATHIUS
Gloves - CAPAXX
Thigh utility - MAT-2550/GRENADE PACK
Knees - UA/TYPE SA

Spartan in-game:

Chosen Bandit EVO coating (EYES ONLY):

Helmet build:
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WOW that helmet looks great! I too have built a mkVII, so if you're looking for a similar thread to follow, I gotchu:

Unfortunately I do not know where to get files for your fancy shoulder. As a matter of fact, I was originally going to do the UA/VIATOR shoulder but I definitely did not have the time to make them from scratch. I ended up doing defaults haha.

I'm interested to see how you'll tackle the ab wrap. I'll be following this thread!
WOW that helmet looks great! I too have built a mkVII, so if you're looking for a similar thread to follow, I gotchu:

Unfortunately I do not know where to get files for your fancy shoulder. As a matter of fact, I was originally going to do the UA/VIATOR shoulder but I definitely did not have the time to make them from scratch. I ended up doing defaults haha.

I'm interested to see how you'll tackle the ab wrap. I'll be following this thread!
Appreciate it, I’ve already watched your video which was a great showcase into the programs and process behind the parts.

I may end up freehanding but we shall see. All the best
I have ordered a set of Pentagon Mongoose Gloves in olive, which seems to be a close approximation to the HCS Launch gloves with black and olive fabric, that I can easily add the handplates to with some velcro/other connections.

I have also begun collecting references for the EYES ONLY Bandit Evo coating, alongside the tactical knife. These parts are most similar to propmaking that I am familiar with, so I will be tackling those first.
That weathering is sick, and it matches up with the finish of the rest of the helmet super well! All the cool points!
Thank you, I did what I could so each scratch is 1:1 matched to the game files. Really pleased with the color of green and how it matches the Aquarius lightbox, but I think I could have gone with a slightly lighter grey. Part of painting it back during Season 1 when the shaders were very weird in the armor hall...but its close enough haha.
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