Spartan IV - Recruit Custom Foam build

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New Member
Hey guys... big lurker here. I've watched the forums for years and even made a set of pepakura + fiberglass/bondo armor (but alas, it was pretty janky and fell apart after wearing it to the Reach and Halo 4 midnight releases).

Anyhoo, I'm looking to make a new suit (foam build this time), and I'd love to copy my in-game spartan from Halo 4, pictured below:


  • Helmet - Recruit
    Torso - Recruit Prime
    Left Shoulder - Scout
    Right Shoulder - Orbital
    Forearms - XV-27 Shifting
    Legs - Over-locking

While I know a lot of the detail work will ultimately be free-hand, I was looking for some pepakura files to sorta launch from, but I'm having trouble finding them. I've seen the Halo 4 pep thread, but can't find any of my parts.

I'm not too worried about copying the shoulders, boots and forearms with free-hand templates at this point, but would love to see the Recruit torso and helmet.

I know I've seen the Recruit helmet pep in pictures, but can't find a link (it's in the aforementioned thread and says its available, though it's not linked. Do I need to contact someone to get it?) And I guess people are still working on the torso?

And I apologize in advance if I sound impatient - I know it takes a lot of work with the 3d models, unfolding, and such (it's just not a process I'm familiar with, or I'd try it myself.)

Anyway, any help would be appreciated, and I'll update my build progress here as I go with this project.

Thanks, and everybody keep up the amazing work around here. So much top-notch stuff!
Good luck, every time I even think about the halo 4 armor the thought of the under suit scares me away.
Good luck with your build buddy! I've got some tutorials if you need any foam guidance. Not a fan of the New Spartan 4 armour but I am a fan of foam work so I'm eager to see what you come up with!
So, it may be a while before I get started, but thanks for the help guys. I'm writing a guide for Path of Exile on IGN Wikis... but as soon as that's done, I'll be getting underway. So stay tuned for updates... I eagerly await your comments/criticism on my future work! :)

Thanks so much. Can't wait to get peppin' on this one!

Good luck, every time I even think about the halo 4 armor the thought of the under suit scares me away.

Thanks, me too. I'm going to follow pendy and LilTyrant's leads on the undersuit. I have a little bit of sewing experience and my wife has the machine -- so we'll see how that goes. I'll be getting a bodyform soon to start freehanding some templates on.

Good luck with your build buddy! I've got some tutorials if you need any foam guidance. Not a fan of the New Spartan 4 armour but I am a fan of foam work so I'm eager to see what you come up with!

Thanks for the luck-wishing! I've already combed through all of your posts and videos even though I haven't touched the foam yet! Hahah... but your stuff is going to be so helpful when I do get started... glad I watched/read it first. :)
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