Star Wars Havoc Commando Assault Cannon

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New Member
Hey all! In addition to working on my Carter build, I'm purchasing a raw Havoc Commando kit from Star Wars the Old Republic, which I'll be painting and modifying a little bit.

In addition to the armour, I want to try my best to recreate the assault cannon featured in this fantastic trailer:

This thread will follow my journey of creation, however before I get started, I was hoping for some advice from veteran weapon builders on how to go about building such a collosal weapon.

The plan thus far revolves around the use of PVC pipes for the longer parts, it's more the main, square shaped body that I'm not 100% sure on how to make. Any input is appreciated, many thanks in advance!
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Don't ask where I got this from, but I have friends in various industries...





So, begun the preliminary planning stage, which has basically involved a lot of squinting, a lot of guesswork, and a lot of pressing a tape measure up against my computer screen. At this stage I'm just trying to work out the exact measurements I will be working with, so I used a screenshot from the cinematic where the trooper is holding the cannon, to work out where his hands were placed in relation to the rest of his body, and then holding a tape measure in one hand and the end of it in the other, placed my own hands in the equivalent position. From there it was pretty easy to work everything out, below I've got some pictures showing the lengths and everything I have worked out, thoughts on it so far? At a little over a metre it seems quite hefty, and very thin, I'm just hoping my rudimentary maths hasn't screwed it up. Also big thanks to Jason-087, not only are these images exactly what I need, but I think they've been perfectly scaled down to 1/5 of the 'life size' weapon, making my measurements super easy.


Next I'll be working out how I'm going to break it down, (So that it can be put together), and the materials I'll be using.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints and the like, I will not be making this amazing cannon any more, (However it will be shelfed and taken up another day). I'll be repurposing this thread to track the progress of the assembly of my Havoc trooper armour which has finally shipped!
This looks like a job for...


You ever work with ABS plate stock before? It's *sweet*. Also an excellent way to do curves without spending an inordinate amount of time with high-poly models.

BUt time is money, and we're all broke, so it's good to have priorities. If and when you get ready to make that gun, let me know... I may be able to help some.
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