So I haven't posted anything since I attempted making an NCR Veteran Ranger helmet out of cardboard and posting it here. And I had had an extremely difficult time trying to modify foam templates to use with the material that I just put it aside and started looking through my growing collection of pepakura files for something that might be easy enough to get used to it as well as working on alternatives to hardening. I live in an apartment and can not use resin/fiberglass/bondo. So far I am trying to figure out a good ratio of diluting wood glue to make the first coatings and getting some cheap AF fabric from Walmart, and maybe use wood filler as an alternative to bondo. I'm kind of winging it here to be honest 
The pattern I'm using is the Halo 3 Mjolnir MKVI medium detail hand plate file. Modeled by SirPalesAlot and RobotChicken, and unfolded by SirPalesAlot.
What do you all think?
Edit 1: So I decided this will be an attempt at a full build update post, or as much as possible.
Forewarning: I am not going to cons or groupings with this build due to multiple factors including: no way to get there, no money to get in, and basically not having any friends especially ones who cosplay/attend cons/groupings. Sad panda.
Attempt #1 - Building

Didn't cut it as great as I had tried and had to "best guess" the circle bits. The CA glue mostly refused to bond with the paper so most of the tabs are either wonky at best or way wrong at worst. And a few spots I actually completely forgot to even glue! LOL But I think, for the first attempt, I did really great with the indented circle bits.
Attempt #1 - Hardening

I started to coating process while working on Attempt #2 because I switched to a Fast Grab Tack Glue (Aleene's) and I'm actually having better results. I'm using Titebond II premium wood glue. I started the first coat with a minimal dilution followed by a second with a Minute dilution. I was extremely exhausted yesterday so I don't remember if I put a topcoat of straight glue or not. Did the same with the underside. Ultimately, I plan to get some extremely cheap cloth from the department at Walmart, but the current attempts will be a trial of wood glue and paper towel layers underneath.
Attempt #2 - Building (while working on #1 simultaneously)

Two more pieces to glue on to the hand plate and a few spots left to finish shaping the piece.
Attempt #1 - Hardening step 2

I've taken those blue shop towels and made 2 layers the best I could on the inside trying to use just enough glue to make them stick as well as coat the top of the strips. Haven't figured out the right dilution of the wood glue yet, but I have realized that each step takes a very long time before I can move to the next one. Like how this step has taken almost two full days to cure with one day between layers.
So, working on this as a project in a way that would be the most productive is a no-go due to life stuffs, so it could be like a week from one step, do something minor that could be continued AND completed in the same day ... four days later.
Here are updated photos of the hand plates during the phase where I figure out just what in the blank I'm doing because I don't know
The wood filler is a bit janky to work with / or I just don't know how to work with it. Be warned, the underside of one of the hand plate is a nightmare.

Now! One thing I am proud of is how well those semispherical bowls turned out
Went to walmart today to get a few things and picked up a can of primer/paint combo to apply and then do a bit of wet sanding because why not add to the "IDKWTH I'm doing" list and tbh, right now this is the kind of puzzle I need.
Follow up progress to be coming in very soon
MOAR Progress!!
So, I've reached the point where my learning experiment with the hand plates has born fruit. I can't really do anything more to them until I remake them later and apply what I've learned. I mean, some sections I got pretty darn smooth.

Currently am working on the left boot and gluing things together, might be a while before next update.
The pattern I'm using is the Halo 3 Mjolnir MKVI medium detail hand plate file. Modeled by SirPalesAlot and RobotChicken, and unfolded by SirPalesAlot.
What do you all think?
Edit 1: So I decided this will be an attempt at a full build update post, or as much as possible.
Forewarning: I am not going to cons or groupings with this build due to multiple factors including: no way to get there, no money to get in, and basically not having any friends especially ones who cosplay/attend cons/groupings. Sad panda.
Attempt #1 - Building

Didn't cut it as great as I had tried and had to "best guess" the circle bits. The CA glue mostly refused to bond with the paper so most of the tabs are either wonky at best or way wrong at worst. And a few spots I actually completely forgot to even glue! LOL But I think, for the first attempt, I did really great with the indented circle bits.
Attempt #1 - Hardening

I started to coating process while working on Attempt #2 because I switched to a Fast Grab Tack Glue (Aleene's) and I'm actually having better results. I'm using Titebond II premium wood glue. I started the first coat with a minimal dilution followed by a second with a Minute dilution. I was extremely exhausted yesterday so I don't remember if I put a topcoat of straight glue or not. Did the same with the underside. Ultimately, I plan to get some extremely cheap cloth from the department at Walmart, but the current attempts will be a trial of wood glue and paper towel layers underneath.
Attempt #2 - Building (while working on #1 simultaneously)

Two more pieces to glue on to the hand plate and a few spots left to finish shaping the piece.
Attempt #1 - Hardening step 2

I've taken those blue shop towels and made 2 layers the best I could on the inside trying to use just enough glue to make them stick as well as coat the top of the strips. Haven't figured out the right dilution of the wood glue yet, but I have realized that each step takes a very long time before I can move to the next one. Like how this step has taken almost two full days to cure with one day between layers.
So, working on this as a project in a way that would be the most productive is a no-go due to life stuffs, so it could be like a week from one step, do something minor that could be continued AND completed in the same day ... four days later.
Here are updated photos of the hand plates during the phase where I figure out just what in the blank I'm doing because I don't know

Now! One thing I am proud of is how well those semispherical bowls turned out
Went to walmart today to get a few things and picked up a can of primer/paint combo to apply and then do a bit of wet sanding because why not add to the "IDKWTH I'm doing" list and tbh, right now this is the kind of puzzle I need.
Follow up progress to be coming in very soon
MOAR Progress!!
So, I've reached the point where my learning experiment with the hand plates has born fruit. I can't really do anything more to them until I remake them later and apply what I've learned. I mean, some sections I got pretty darn smooth.

Currently am working on the left boot and gluing things together, might be a while before next update.
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