Starting my Gen 3 Mk VI Build


New Member
Hello 405th. I've been 3d printing for many years now (I actually have a full blown side business based on 3d printed parts). I've also been a Halo fan since CE came out with the original Xbox. I finally put these two interests together and started my own armor build. My roommate in college was pretty into prop building for the Ghostbusters franchise, but I don't have a ton of experience outside of watching him and helping maybe a tad here and there years ago.

As for my build, I'm starting with the V6 files from GA and a combination of my Voron 2.4 (350mm) and Bambu Lab X1C for the prints. While the 3d modeling, scaling, and printing are the easy part for me, I'm definitely learning a lot as I go when it comes to prepping, painting, and weathering the final parts. The undersuit will be quite a challenge for me as well, but this place has been a huge help already with all of this. I figured it's time to officially join and say hi.

I'll drop a couple of photos for now, but I'll also try to keep up with some periodic updates as things progress.


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