Starting somewhere


New Member
Starting somewhere counts. I don't have all of my items to work on my Prototype Spartan Armor but I can start to do the measurements and draw the armor pieces on paper. I don't have a printer. It is always improvising. I had this idea kinda planned because I don't have a printer. So, I'll make it work one way or another. I feel positive about it so far which is good.

The image on my laptop is from the resources from 405th.


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Starting somewhere counts. I don't have all of my items to work on my Prototype Spartan Armor but I can start to do the measurements and draw the armor pieces on paper. I don't have a printer. It is always improvising. I had this idea kinda planned because I don't have a printer. So, I'll make it work one way or another. I feel positive about it so far which is good.

The image on my laptop is from the resources from 405th.
This is a great start and your very best and first resource is always your imagination.
Writing a list, starting on the limbs area for design first, and using what you have on hand goes a long way! I started my build with just meeting other cosplayers in their armor and making a list of what I need to start with.
The 405th has tons of resources available and people are always willing to lend a hand or send a link if need be :D
It is the 405th "build your character" i love seeing concept art of peoples Spartans, gotta be my second favorite things to see on this website, my first being people avoiding sanding!
This is my first attempt on making armor. So, my prototype is going to be cardboard after that it will be EVA foam which I will have to do some sanding. I'm guessing. But not everyone mentions that they sand their armor. I know in the cosplay world sanding is important to do when it comes to armor and weapons.

I do agree with you that no one mentions about sanding. I haven't mentioned it because I haven't gotten that far.
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This group was build on the backs of pepakura and EVA foam builds, so there's definitely no need to have a printer. A lot of people are still making their armor from foam, so you will find plenty of support here.
I printed my suit, but watching everyone at C2E2 being able to literally run and jump in their suits makes me want to swap out a few pieces for foam or rubber.
This is my first attempt on making armor. So, my prototype is going to be cardboard after that it will be EVA foam which I will have to do some sanding. I'm guessing. But not everyone mentions that they sand their armor. I know in the cosplay world sanding is important to do when it comes to armor and weapons.

I do agree with you that no one mentions about sanding. I haven't mentioned it because I haven't gotten that far.
Everyone has to sand, but there are ways to sand less, things like filler primer and uv resin, or just really quality prints, sanding is one of the facts in life, like death and taxes, but similar to taxes, its up to you to minimize how much you have to do/pay.
Starting somewhere counts. I don't have all of my items to work on my Prototype Spartan Armor but I can start to do the measurements and draw the armor pieces on paper. I don't have a printer. It is always improvising. I had this idea kinda planned because I don't have a printer. So, I'll make it work one way or another. I feel positive about it so far which is good.

The image on my laptop is from the resources from 405th.
Looks like a great start! It's where I started too. My first two builds were pepakura and now my current suits are both an amalgamation of many different methods! Keep that improvization mindset and you'll have a ton of fun building your suit and learning as you go. What methods are you intending to use in the future?

Everyone has to sand, but there are ways to sand less, things like filler primer and uv resin, or just really quality prints, sanding is one of the facts in life, like death and taxes, but similar to taxes, its up to you to minimize how much you have to do/pay.
Where did this sanding tangent come from? We're here to talk about Ghost's build and they didn't even mention sanding in their post. I'm sure we'll get to that but please don't make assumptions about people's working habits. That said, I agree with you. I also love seeing people's custom spartans they want to build!
Looks like a great start! It's where I started too. My first two builds were pepakura and now my current suits are both an amalgamation of many different methods! Keep that improvization mindset and you'll have a ton of fun building your suit and learning as you go. What methods are you intending to use in the future?

Where did this sanding tangent come from? We're here to talk about Ghost's build and they didn't even mention sanding in their post. I'm sure we'll get to that but please don't make assumptions about people's working habits. That said, I agree with you. I also love seeing people's custom spartans they want to build!
It's always good to have a plan lol
Looks like a great start! It's where I started too. My first two builds were pepakura and now my current suits are both an amalgamation of many different methods! Keep that improvization mindset and you'll have a ton of fun building your suit and learning as you go. What methods are you intending to use in the future?

Where did this sanding tangent come from? We're here to talk about Ghost's build and they didn't even mention sanding in their post. I'm sure we'll get to that but please don't make assumptions about people's working habits. That said, I agree with you. I also love seeing people's custom spartans they want to build!
he did talk about sanding? "I will have to do some sanding. I'm guessing. But not everyone mentions that they sand their armor. I know in the cosplay world sanding is important to do when it comes to armor and weapons." i have nothing but support for people building suits, cant wait to see what he cranks out.
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