Struggling with my CE Mark V build (First Build)


New Member
I want to start on a Mark V but I'm struggling on the set up stages of making it. Such as Pepakura's License key is $70 and i'm wondering if theirs a cheaper option out there for foam unfolds?
I want to start on a Mark V but I'm struggling on the set up stages of making it. Such as Pepakura's License key is $70 and i'm wondering if theirs a cheaper option out there for foam unfolds?
the license key is only required to save a file.

You should be able to manipulate/rescale/rearrange as needed but you just won't be able to save your changes.

Unless something drastic has changed in their business model.
the license key is only required to save a file.

You should be able to manipulate/rescale/rearrange as needed but you just won't be able to save your changes.

Unless something drastic has changed in their business model.
I am trying to print out templates and need the key.
Not home at the moment but it's the same error error when you try to save. I'm also using the 405th mark V armor.
I'm not sure what to say until I see what you are clicking on and what you are seeing. I've tried multiple different files and I can print them just fine.

Both of these options, Print (Crtl+P), Print to PDF (Crtl+Shift+P), work and I have successfully printed using them:

I only get this error:

When I try to Save, Save As, or Export. No other option has given me that error yet.

Are you using Pepakura Designer 6, the latest version which I linked above?

Maybe if you are using an older version of Pepakura Designer, like 4, you might get an error if you try to print as Pepakura used to have two separate versions, the Free "Viewer" and Designer was the paid version. These days, including Designer 6, there is only the one version which should only be locking the save/save as/export features behind the license key.

So, confirm what version you are using as well.
I'm not sure what to say until I see what you are clicking on and what you are seeing. I've tried multiple different files and I can print them just fine.

Both of these options, Print (Crtl+P), Print to PDF (Crtl+Shift+P), work and I have successfully printed using them:
View attachment 358135

I only get this error:
View attachment 358136
When I try to Save, Save As, or Export. No other option has given me that error yet.

Are you using Pepakura Designer 6, the latest version which I linked above?

Maybe if you are using an older version of Pepakura Designer, like 4, you might get an error if you try to print as Pepakura used to have two separate versions, the Free "Viewer" and Designer was the paid version. These days, including Designer 6, there is only the one version which should only be locking the save/save as/export features behind the license key.

So, confirm what version you are using as well.
I haven't tried printing it like that, also I am using the newest version.

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