T45D: Power Armour (In Honour of Fallout 4)

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CCx Killa Days

New Member
So, a bit different from the main focus of this site - Halo armor - in honour of the trailer release of Fallout 4, I've decided to create the T45D or Power Armour from the Brotherhood of Steel. I will be using all of the pepakura files from the awesome rundown, and my estimated goal is Calgary Comic Expo 2016, but if I don't make it, that's fine. Just whenever it gets finished :) I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do for reinforcements, I know fiber glass resin works, as well as slush casting which could also work. So feel free to share your opinion on how I should finish it - fiberglass resin, rondo or slush casting.

So far, I have the helmet printed out on 132 Ib cardstock, and it is ready to be pepped.

Black = Printed (no progress)
Red = Pepakura stage
Light Blue = Resin Stage
Purple = Painted Stage
Green = Finished

All Equipment
Shoulder (1)
Shoulder (2)
Bicep (1)
Bicep (2)
Elbow (1)
Elbow (2)
Forearm (1)
Forearm (2)
Thigh (1)
Thigh (2)
Knee (1)
Knee (2)
Shin (1)
Shin (2)

I will have pictures up next week, as I'm currently in the process of pepping the helmet.

Here is my reference photo:

Should be interesting to try and size it properly, as I'm 5'4 and a girl. Lots of room in the chest in the chest pepakura file so that should be fine lol

Also ignore the attached file... that was an accident.



  • T45D Helmet Size Properly.pdf
    620.9 KB · Views: 525
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I can't wait to see this coming together, good luck mate (lass:), still not fully used to living in OZ ) !

Hope someone does the new T60 armor soon that is in the trailers. I've been thinking about doing a fallout suit as well after I finish with my daughters HALO suit..
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