Tactonyx ODST Automag Build

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Hey all,

Frequent lurker, first time poster.

Girlfriend and I are big in the costume/prop scene, but rarely post here. She built her own marine a few years back, yall might know her as Hydra...but her and I are working on our ODST outfits currently and I had bought this kit while I was deployed to Afghanistan and finally got around to building it. I've seen Tactonyx's work, and frankly, his work is pretty darn good, but I wasn't really impressed with my kit. It was a bit warped and had a lot of flash and airbubbles, but we made due.

Here is a pic of it recently put together:


His kit boasts moving slide and trigger mech, but the weakness of the lower receiver guide rails made that un-doable after they broke very quickly. So the only thing that moves on this is the Magazine, we used the "safety magnet" in the mag and put a metal plate in the grip to hold it in place. Everything else is completely static. The barrel extension was a bit warped and and the tac light lower was full of airbubbles and had alot of flash in some of the detailed areas, so I ended up cutting some of the details out. I also added a working LED flashlight with a push button into the lower taclight. Now the girlfriend can come up to some of yall at conventions and blind you ;)

But I will take some more detailed pictures, especially once she finishes the paint job. We are a good team and she is definitely the better painter. But just throwing it up for everyones judgement.

Thanks everyone!
hionestly that piece looks might fine. i wish i had the skills and patience for that. maybe someday, i am trying to build a suit.
Well, we have SBradley ODST kits in the works now, and as well building Reach suits out of foam...but planning to have the ODSTs ready for April. We are piecing together our weapons now...which I have a Sniper rifle kit, and an AR we are putting together...She undoubtedly will be carrying the sniper rifle...which is about 6 inches shorter than her stood up... lol
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