(Tap, tap, tap) Testing.....1,2,3........


Commanding Officer
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Division Staff
Hello all,

I'm sure that a few of you may have noticed I've been rather absent over the last couple of months. The long and the short of this message is that I don't know what the future holds, but for the immediate future, I am here in some capacity.

Let me start off by saying a very heartfelt thank you to Division Staff for all you have done to keep this place moving forward. You all have my deepest respect.

As some know, I have a job that over the years has been taking more and more of my time. During Covid, I lost all ability to have a work life balance. You always tell yourself that you'll do stuff late in the evening just until this one project is done or this one Trial is over. But eventually it became the norm as it was so easy - being fully capable of doing 95% of my job from upstairs in my house made it difficult to not do a little extra. Over time it became not just easy but necessary to do all of the extra time just to keep my head from going under the water. The last year has been a challenge like nothing else I've ever experienced.

In 2023 my husband and I each lost a parent exactly one month apart and then 4 months later we each lost an Aunt a week apart. There were times when I felt like my lungs were full of water. I just couldn't get enough air in. There just was no space between each round of grief. So you know what I did? I worked MORE. I buried myself. This year has been a new challenge. At the end of May - beginning of June, my dad had a medical emergency and was hospitalized for a week. 6 weeks later, I had him out for lunch and he had a stroke. And 2 weeks ago he had another medical emergency that may have been another small stroke.

Generally I'm a pretty private person. I don't share a lot. However, I felt this important. Helping my dad plan for an unknown future has caused me to re-evaluate what's important in my life. Trying to take on his ducks and add them in to my ducks has made me realize that not only are my own ducks not in a row, they may also not be ducks. Perhaps trash pandas. And they are all running in different directions. So I've started making changes to help control what I can control. That way I hope to feel less out of control when these stressful events happen. In that process I've realized how much I miss making costumes. It's been literally YEARS since I've made one. I also really miss being in costumes and having fun in costumes with people. I think of all of the cool events I've had the opportunity to be a part of and I didn't attend in costume. I don't want to have any more regrets. While my work schedule isn't letting up any time soon, I am working towards making better choices with my time. Being present in what I'm doing instead of worrying about work. I have to plan to fit in costume building time. Just to build. Just to enjoy the process. Eventually I'll have something done. I cannot afford to leave anything until the last minute as those last minutes are always swallowed by something I didn't plan for. I have to learn how to see projects in small bites instead of focusing on having the time to do the whole thing.

So.....hi! I'm here. I miss my time here. I miss costuming. I want to build. I'd love to carve out little bits of time with some of you. Nothing formal. Certainly nothing I'll be able to schedule more than a week or two out. Maybe a video chat of some kind where people put aside an hour or so of their time to work on something.....anything....with me?
Whatcha thinking of working on? While I will be taking a break going into 2025 from being AT events that doesn’t mean I’ll be idle! I’ll have lots of things in the works for 2026 debut hopefully.
Wellllll.......I have a very large backlog of costumes I have most or all of the bits and pieces for and several of those items require 3D printed bits. So I suppose the best place to start is getting my "new" printer figured I've printed exactly 2 benchies so far on the same day I assembled it and that's been it. So I need to get learning.
FANGS, just having you spend even a little of that time with us is a blessing and thank you for being here.

I hope the medical things ease up a little and i hope you can figure out schedule wise some things to ease your own life up and get out of the stupid mentality that Covid brought us as working adults.

If it works schedule wise id love to hop on chats or something while working on stuff depending on the times. Ive been in the same boat of enjoying events at time withiut abything recent or made at all and its been gnawing at me as a creator but now im slowly working on something/anything and its helping when one small puece gets done and i feel like im just a little closer to a finished product.

Happy Building!
When available (usually evenings and weekends) I'd love to be able to sit down and work on making some progress on builds with you. I've got plenty in my own ever growing backlog to work on as well.
I just have three printers. but they are almost constantly working at the moment. lol. i actually got a couple commissions from people i work with that im doing. And of course finishing up and tweaking Omega.
Admittedly, for the first little bit it might be me in my work room making bags for upcoming shows BUT creating is creating and I'd love the company. I'd like to try for this Saturday morning. Probably starting at 9 Mountain but I'll confirm that on Friday for anyone who is available to pop in.
Tbh, a lot of my printer knowledge has come from Emp Frosty and Fallen . I also know SSGLordBert has a small farm of printers too
Well... I'm running 14 - a mix of FDM and resin. Several are oversize including the latest which is a massive OrangeStormGiga.
Feel free to give me a shout if I can lend a hand in some capacity.


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Good gravy.....you could print a full height me in that thing! :oops:

I appreciate the offers everyone! Mine is SUPER basic and not big. I got an Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo. It said it was the best intro printer for kids to get in to 3D printing so I hoped it wouldn't be too difficult for me. :D Plus, I liked the auto bed level. I'm not looking to print a whole suit, although I would LOVE to print a Riz set of armor but that's for another time and a different printer. For now I want to print bits and pieces - the detail bits.
We appreciate you comin back to talk with us, things may be rough for now but I sincerely hope they get better
Lord knows I’ve got plenty of stuff to work on, I’m always happy to chat!
Anyone else have VR Holofit? I need to get more active and I have zero desire to. Perhaps less than zero. Is that a thing? Too much sitting with the too much working.
Would love to see you in some crafting calls and happy to share any printing knowledge accumulated from my own dabbling. Best part about crafting chats is the trading of knowledge and little tips and tricks.

Don't have Holofit, but if you need motivation or accountability to prioritize getting active our resident Emp Frosty reminds all of the fitness ping people to never skip leg day.

Glad to see you back around and hope that there are great times coming for you in the near future.
Hello all,

I'm sure that a few of you may have noticed I've been rather absent over the last couple of months. The long and the short of this message is that I don't know what the future holds, but for the immediate future, I am here in some capacity.

Let me start off by saying a very heartfelt thank you to Division Staff for all you have done to keep this place moving forward. You all have my deepest respect.

As some know, I have a job that over the years has been taking more and more of my time. During Covid, I lost all ability to have a work life balance. You always tell yourself that you'll do stuff late in the evening just until this one project is done or this one Trial is over. But eventually it became the norm as it was so easy - being fully capable of doing 95% of my job from upstairs in my house made it difficult to not do a little extra. Over time it became not just easy but necessary to do all of the extra time just to keep my head from going under the water. The last year has been a challenge like nothing else I've ever experienced.

In 2023 my husband and I each lost a parent exactly one month apart and then 4 months later we each lost an Aunt a week apart. There were times when I felt like my lungs were full of water. I just couldn't get enough air in. There just was no space between each round of grief. So you know what I did? I worked MORE. I buried myself. This year has been a new challenge. At the end of May - beginning of June, my dad had a medical emergency and was hospitalized for a week. 6 weeks later, I had him out for lunch and he had a stroke. And 2 weeks ago he had another medical emergency that may have been another small stroke.

Generally I'm a pretty private person. I don't share a lot. However, I felt this important. Helping my dad plan for an unknown future has caused me to re-evaluate what's important in my life. Trying to take on his ducks and add them in to my ducks has made me realize that not only are my own ducks not in a row, they may also not be ducks. Perhaps trash pandas. And they are all running in different directions. So I've started making changes to help control what I can control. That way I hope to feel less out of control when these stressful events happen. In that process I've realized how much I miss making costumes. It's been literally YEARS since I've made one. I also really miss being in costumes and having fun in costumes with people. I think of all of the cool events I've had the opportunity to be a part of and I didn't attend in costume. I don't want to have any more regrets. While my work schedule isn't letting up any time soon, I am working towards making better choices with my time. Being present in what I'm doing instead of worrying about work. I have to plan to fit in costume building time. Just to build. Just to enjoy the process. Eventually I'll have something done. I cannot afford to leave anything until the last minute as those last minutes are always swallowed by something I didn't plan for. I have to learn how to see projects in small bites instead of focusing on having the time to do the whole thing.

So.....hi! I'm here. I miss my time here. I miss costuming. I want to build. I'd love to carve out little bits of time with some of you. Nothing formal. Certainly nothing I'll be able to schedule more than a week or two out. Maybe a video chat of some kind where people put aside an hour or so of their time to work on something.....anything....with me?
I’m so sorry for all the loss in your life. I’m new here so I don’t know you well, but my heart aches for you. I hope you can find some peace in your passion. Were it so easy…
I’m so sorry for all the loss in your life. I’m new here so I don’t know you well, but my heart aches for you. I hope you can find some peace in your passion. Were it so easy…
That's very sweet of you. It is, unfortunately, just another stage in life that we all eventually face with aging family. The older I get, the more I understand the need to enjoy life as much as you can and focus on being truly happy. I'm glad you've chosen to join this amazing group of people and I'm sure you'll find not only tons of helpful information but also some really great friendships.
A bit delayed to the party/replies here. But welcome back and hope you can kind of restore the work/life balance some and get back to spending some more time doing stuff you love.
Good morning! Today I'm going to spend prepping a bunch of bags to sew. Cutting, interfacing etc. All of is a lot of moving around from the cutting table to the heat press etc so not great for chatting. But tomorrow I will be sewing so I'll start a Zoom call in the morning. If you're around and want to hop in for a bit, just message me here and I'll give you the link. Make sure to let me know what your Zoom name is so I know you're a member and not a random troll!
I'm all set up! Just DM for the link!
Sorry to hear about all the stressful events that you've had recently. My dad was in the hospital for a bit over the summer too and it was a lot to deal with. I hope your family is all doing as well as can be expected now, and that you're able to keep finding time for your life and hobbies in between everything else going on. I have a lot of cleaning and reorganizing that I want to do over the next couple of months to give myself some dedicated sewing and crafting spaces (with doors that close to keep the cat out!) instead of having to pack everything away when I'm not working on it, but with chronic pain it's a slow process. Hopefully I can get it done so that I can get to working on armour over the winter because I'd love to have a set to wear to cons next year.

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