Foam The 88th "Void Vultures" Custom ODST Based on work by The Count of S on X/ Twitter


New Member
Howdy! Welcome to my Second build thread and hopefully this one will be a little better than the last.
To make a short story long, this suit is based on a custom character design by @TheCountofS on X. "TheCount" has been writing and illustrating his own Halo comic "My Time in ONI" and I found it some time ago. I immediately fell in love with his work as it perfectly portrayed my favorite aesthetics of Halo. The 80s-90s military sci fi anime look , the cassette futurism, and James Cameron ALIENS colonial marines vibes. Not to mention the written story being focused on the early to middle years of the human covenant war, following the events of "Silent Storm". Needless to say it was almost like the comic and story was made for me and all my favorite parts of the Halo universe. Enter the "Void Vultures"

Now don't get me wrong I love ODSTs as much as the next guy but I've never gotten the urge or desire to make one, mostly because just about everyone else had don't it and I hadn't yet thought of a way to make mine special. However as soon as I saw these guys I knew I wanted to bring them into the real world. I reached out to "TheCount" and He was very kind to the random guy who said "hEy i WanNa mAkE yOuR sTuFf, wHat dO yOu tHiNk?" We got to chatting and jived pretty well on what parts of Halo we enjoyed most, through lots of back and forth we reached a pretty solid agreement on what armor we wanted to use, soft parts, camos etc.

First off the helmet. I have to give a huge shout out to @D042Spartan on X for their amazing digital art of the Void Vultures

Our own beautiful ODCA and Bloxxer helped make the helmet printable and Bloxxer is currently printing in for me. Thank you so much my friends I'm extremely grateful.
@D042Spartan also provided a much needed 3d base to get the conversation rolling between "The Count" and I about how we wanted to translate the 2d art style
into reality.
@dillardslk on X/Twitter also has done some spectacular work with the characters of "My Time in ONI" based more in the classic Halo CE and Halo @2 style.


Last but definitely not least on the list of artists who have contributed to this project is the insanely talented @AbiSV1 on X/Twitter and Artstation
Their HD Classic Halo 2 ODST artwork is an amazing piece and me and "The Count" thought that the chest was the best fit.

I will only be posting this photo of @AbiSV1s work because the model I purchased from them is not to be distributed or shared in any form per their request. If you have any interest in their work or models you must reach out to them directly.

At the end of this project I will be sharing any and all resources I can or am permitted too by the contributing artists.

Moving forward here is a list of what files we will using for this project.
@d042spartan custom helmet and shoulders
@Abisv1 chest
Classic H2 ODST shins
405th Armory H3 ODST thighs, forearms, waist armor, and boot covers

The biggest challanges I see coming are the integration of the trench coat with the tac vest , the chest armor, chest rig, shoulder armor, and belt rig. My thought process on this is hard to articulate since its all just a mess of concepts in my head.
I waiting on the chest armor to be unfolded along with the shins so I'm focusing on the armor I do have files for, starting with the thighs.

Scaling was a bit of an issue at first but it only took one prototype before I got it right.


I'm super happy with how it came out and it felt good to put blade to foam after a significant absence . Now there are no plans currently to put pouches on the thighs, however I wanted the option for the future, so I made the hardpoint squares detachable with 1" round neodymium magnets. The next issue to tackle was the inner thigh gasket.
Screenshot (412).png

I didn't want to spare any detail here so I went the pain in the butt route by wrapping every segment in 4 way stretch pleather, attaching them to a single sheet of foam and hamfisting it into place.

Super happy with how it turned out, I was about to speed run the other leg when I got hit with the Man Flu this weekend and it put me on my death bed like most men. Recovering now and will be finishing it up soon. I'll be updating when I make more progress.
Thank you so much if you've read all this. I'm beyond excited with this project with bringing one of my favorite artists work to life.
Please feel free to leave your input or any suggestions below, I love to hear other perspective and ideas!


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The Foam Gods have blessed us with another build! Super excited to see how this turns out, especially the trench coat aspect! Too cool!
Howdy! Welcome to my Second build thread and hopefully this one will be a little better than the last.
To make a short story long, this suit is based on a custom character design by @TheCountofS on X. "TheCount" has been writing and illustrating his own Halo comic "My Time in ONI" and I found it some time ago. I immediately fell in love with his work as it perfectly portrayed my favorite aesthetics of Halo. The 80s-90s military sci fi anime look , the cassette futurism, and James Cameron ALIENS colonial marines vibes. Not to mention the written story being focused on the early to middle years of the human covenant war, following the events of "Silent Storm". Needless to say it was almost like the comic and story was made for me and all my favorite parts of the Halo universe. Enter the "Void Vultures"
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Now don't get me wrong I love ODSTs as much as the next guy but I've never gotten the urge or desire to make one, mostly because just about everyone else had don't it and I hadn't yet thought of a way to make mine special. However as soon as I saw these guys I knew I wanted to bring them into the real world. I reached out to "TheCount" and He was very kind to the random guy who said "hEy i WanNa mAkE yOuR sTuFf, wHat dO yOu tHiNk?" We got to chatting and jived pretty well on what parts of Halo we enjoyed most, through lots of back and forth we reached a pretty solid agreement on what armor we wanted to use, soft parts, camos etc.

First off the helmet. I have to give a huge shout out to @D042Spartan on X for their amazing digital art of the Void Vultures
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Our own beautiful ODCA and Bloxxer helped make the helmet printable and Bloxxer is currently printing in for me. Thank you so much my friends I'm extremely grateful.
@D042Spartan also provided a much needed 3d base to get the conversation rolling between "The Count" and I about how we wanted to translate the 2d art style
into reality.
@dillardslk on X/Twitter also has done some spectacular work with the characters of "My Time in ONI" based more in the classic Halo CE and Halo @2 style.

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Last but definitely not least on the list of artists who have contributed to this project is the insanely talented @AbiSV1 on X/Twitter and Artstation
Their HD Classic Halo 2 ODST artwork is an amazing piece and me and "The Count" thought that the chest was the best fit.
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I will only be posting this photo of @AbiSV1s work because the model I purchased from them is not to be distributed or shared in any form per their request. If you have any interest in their work or models you must reach out to them directly.

At the end of this project I will be sharing any and all resources I can or am permitted too by the contributing artists.

Moving forward here is a list of what files we will using for this project.
@d042spartan custom helmet and shoulders
@Abisv1 chest
Classic H2 ODST shins
405th Armory H3 ODST thighs, forearms, waist armor, and boot covers

The biggest challanges I see coming are the integration of the trench coat with the tac vest , the chest armor, chest rig, shoulder armor, and belt rig. My thought process on this is hard to articulate since its all just a mess of concepts in my head.
I waiting on the chest armor to be unfolded along with the shins so I'm focusing on the armor I do have files for, starting with the thighs.

Scaling was a bit of an issue at first but it only took one prototype before I got it right.

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I'm super happy with how it came out and it felt good to put blade to foam after a significant absence . Now there are no plans currently to put pouches on the thighs, however I wanted the option for the future, so I made the hardpoint squares detachable with 1" round neodymium magnets. The next issue to tackle was the inner thigh gasket.
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I didn't want to spare any detail here so I went the pain in the butt route by wrapping every segment in 4 way stretch pleather, attaching them to a single sheet of foam and hamfisting it into place.
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Super happy with how it turned out, I was about to speed run the other leg when I got hit with the Man Flu this weekend and it put me on my death bed like most men. Recovering now and will be finishing it up soon. I'll be updating when I make more progress.
Thank you so much if you've read all this. I'm beyond excited with this project with bringing one of my favorite artists work to life.
Please feel free to leave your input or any suggestions below, I love to hear other perspective and ideas!
"When you first saw his drip, were you blinded by it?"
Happy to help with the build! The helmet's almost ready to go for you! Looking forward to seeing how this all comes together!
Okay more progress, got the forearms done , armorsmith wouldn't let me non uniform scale them so I had to uniform scale , so they are a little taller than I'd like, but I just modified it a little , and I've got plenty of ROM with them still, but but tedious build. I ordered a USGI PASGT helmet nvg mount kit just for the ratcheting pull rope. I cut it up and used it for the ratchet clamp detail on the side. Still waiting on the other to come in .



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Ok , have to finish this, slowly getting back to cosplay stuff. I won't have much time this year while I'm prepping for a career change but I will be able to go to planet KC
Here are the finished and painted thighs
I cut a slit down the back of the thighs and added a zipper with elastic edges , this allows the thigh to clamshell on after you attach your shins and boots


I've found that the best way to attach straps to foam armor is to see your strap to 2-3mm foam using a wide stitch pattern, not so tight of a stitch pattern that you essentially cut a line through the foam. Then contact cement the foam to the armor . This method has worked great for me so far.


I got very lucky with the paint job. I just eyeballed some white into my black and got almost a perfect color match to the camo on my pants.
Base layer of paint was hvlp gunned on, then the rest was done by hand and stencils .
The side "buckles" are missing in the picture, but I left them a grey and they are held in by friction and magnets.
Ok , have to finish this, slowly getting back to cosplay stuff. I won't have much time this year while I'm prepping for a career change but I will be able to go to planet KC
Here are the finished and painted thighs
I cut a slit down the back of the thighs and added a zipper with elastic edges , this allows the thigh to clamshell on after you attach your shins and boots
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I've found that the best way to attach straps to foam armor is to see your strap to 2-3mm foam using a wide stitch pattern, not so tight of a stitch pattern that you essentially cut a line through the foam. Then contact cement the foam to the armor . This method has worked great for me so far.
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View attachment 358060
I got very lucky with the paint job. I just eyeballed some white into my black and got almost a perfect color match to the camo on my pants.
Base layer of paint was hvlp gunned on, then the rest was done by hand and stencils .
The side "buckles" are missing in the picture, but I left them a grey and they are held in by friction and magnets.

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