The Rise of Doctor Spartan


Member DIN
Over the last few years I have made my Spartan suit to match the one I play as in the games. Due to hip issues I have been force to make another outfit that would be better suited till I get my hips fixed. I give you the Doctor Spartan.
I am adding black medical gloves, my black undershirt, a clipboard, and a stethoscope. Thoughts ?
Over the last few years I have made my Spartan suit to match the one I play as in the games. Due to hip issues I have been force to make another outfit that would be better suited till I get my hips fixed. I give you the Doctor Spartan.
I am adding black medical gloves, my black undershirt, a clipboard, and a stethoscope. Thoughts ?View attachment 347788
The shins/kneepads, gloves, I love it all. The t-shirt underneath the lab coat just brings the entire look together. You just need a stethoscope and a clipboard.
The shins/kneepads, gloves, I love it all. The t-shirt underneath the lab coat just brings the entire look together. You just need a stethoscope and a clipboard.
So are you saying that I should use a regular t-shirt instead of a black underneath shirt then?
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