Soft Parts Tutorial UNSC. Officer/Cadet Dress Jacket.

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Research Team Lead
Member DIN
Here is a basic tutorial of a UNSC dress uniform jacket. It is seen in many ship cut scenes, as well as some of the animated movies.

Here are the ref photos.

As you can see they are the same jacket for both cadets and officer. The only difference is the color.

I made my base sloper, or body pattern, and then drew out my full pattern. Sadly I do not have pictures of this step.

Here is a picture of a white back I did first that shows the seam lines I made.

Here it is in the black. The edge below the yoke and the main back is trimmed with black piping for both color sets.

Now, the front is interesting. When you look at the front plackets/shoulders they look to be padded and free floating over the main material.

Also in the hi rez chi it had the braid tucked up under it.


It is also a similar to a button down shirt that it needs the button plackets which extends the center front to cross over each other.

What I did was make the front panels normally and added free floating overlays.


These panels where double layered with mid weight fusable interfacing inside. The lower edge and center front edges also had black pipping. I added the fusable interfacing to the outermost layer. Sewn the center front, bottom, and arm hole sides for the left side. For the right I left the arm hole untouched. I then flipped the fabric right side out.

I then added a row for decrotive stitching along the arm hole the bottom edge and center front. This helped lock in the shape.

I then pinned the flaps to the front bodice pieces. Then all of it to the back peice at the shoulders and sideseams.

I made a Mandarin collar with heavy interfacing for shaping. As well as making eppulettes .

The sleeves I made as a two part suiting sleeve. It gives more shape and fits better.

I pinned the sleeves and eppulettes and then sewed them together as one piece.

Finally after the sleeves I added hidden snap enclosures down the front for the jacket to close seamlessly.
I'm really happy to see this tutorial! I'm excited to see our all the way finished and then to try to make it myself. Thanks, Ashuraa, spectacularly done!

The bottom two pictures are it completed just without the braids, badges, ribbons, and rank.

As soon as I get pictures from the person I made this for of him wearing it with his completed kit I will post them.
The bottom two pictures are it completed just without the braids, badges, ribbons, and rank.

As soon as I get pictures from the person I made this for of him wearing it with his completed kit I will post them.
About that...I took it with me to a con this weekend and the weather decided to say its summer in the middle of February. I will definitely try to get you some soon. I have another con next weekend that is indoors so I will need to break out the coat even if just for some pictures for you.
Is there by chance a pattern one (or all) of us could get in order to make our own Class A's?
So I haven't taken full uniform pictures yet but I did go ahead and snap a picture this morning to show How it looks and fits. I still need to get my cover and decide on ranks and ribbons to go on it.


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