Undersuits (please delete if this doesn't go here)

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New Member
Hi there! I am working on an undersuit and would love to see what everyone else has.

I have some amount of mobility issues and health considerations for my build, so if anyone has anything like that, I would love to hear what you have done.

I'll be making a Dare Cosplay, but my undersuit may be a bit more like a fitted undersuit like a simplified spartan tech suit so I can put her "spine" armor and a bit of the texture directly on the suit, as well as the support for the armor pieces to clip onto right on the suit instead of a usual strap harness (there will be straps sewn into the suit itself with clips on the outside)

I understand the usual is just a flight suit or leggings and a shirt, but I'll need to work one in with a binder in it for the chest plate to fit, so it will need to be custom to cut down on the number of layers of fabric under the suit. I have a lot of sewing experience, so a custom undersuit will be do-able. I'd just love to see what others have done or like.

Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the 405th CxeeFoxx!

If you are planning on making a Spartan-like undersuit for your Dare ODST build, here are a few resources.

Most ODST's and Marine cosplayers use pre-sewn camo attire that you can find online. This is what I did, I just hemmed the item to fit me uniformly and snug when it turned out to be a little big.
I ended up doing what pipninja did (before he made the tutorial for it :mad: ). I just wear black compression cloths under my armour, and I have an EVA foam ad wrap section.

My main inspiration was Jerverant's under suit in this build thread:

But I also did a lot of research before settling on this method. Here are all of the build threads I looked at that haven't already been linked by Spoon:
+ Kat's build thread (linked in post above)
+ Knite's build thread (linked in post above)
Welcome aboard! I've also done something very similiar to N8T with my Spartan suit and having the abwrap clip directly into my chestpiece. The chestpiece is split in 2 in a "clamshell" configuration allowing for full mobility when attaching/detaching other pieces & the front of the abwrap. Pic for reference

The nice thing about Dare is that she doesn't use shoulderpads and has the padded underarmor components instead. Those can be just either sewn directly to your undersuit or pulled overtop your desired undersuit using a stretchy material.
I've linked both my threads below, please feel free to ask if you have any other questions/thoughts about specific methods!
Mark VII Spartan
ODST "Vaz" Build
Welcome aboard! I've also done something very similiar to N8T with my Spartan suit and having the abwrap clip directly into my chestpiece. The chestpiece is split in 2 in a "clamshell" configuration allowing for full mobility when attaching/detaching other pieces & the front of the abwrap. Pic for reference
View attachment 342825

The nice thing about Dare is that she doesn't use shoulderpads and has the padded underarmor components instead. Those can be just either sewn directly to your undersuit or pulled overtop your desired undersuit using a stretchy material.
I've linked both my threads below, please feel free to ask if you have any other questions/thoughts about specific methods!
Mark VII Spartan
ODST "Vaz" Build
That ab wrap looks hella easy and comfy, I need to know please and thank you


i am working with a lady in trying to figure out how to design a pattern that is for differnt under suits that anyone can do still a ways off. but there is a lot of info on this thread
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