1st Build Vac Formed MK VI Visor


New Member
Vac formed a visor with a buddy of mine for the first time. It turned out awesome actually, then I put mirror foil insinde... I guess it looks like battle damage, I sadly can't get those little cracks out anymore. The visibility is topnotch though, and not a single person can see inside the helmet


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How does it look from the inside? Also, I'm curious if there's a way you can form the mirror foil so it adheres better. It probably wouldn't stretch with the plastic when you mold it.
How does it look from the inside? Also, I'm curious if there's a way you can form the mirror foil so it adheres better. It probably wouldn't stretch with the plastic when you mold it.

The visibility is actually pretty okay, it's better irl than on camera. For those "cracks", you don't really see those too bad, they obstruct the vision a slight bit though. As for a better way of putting the mirror foil on, no clue to be honest, maybe you could put it on the vacuun table thingy used for molding together with the visor buck, remove the protection layer and turn the vacuum on, to maybe suck it onto the buck, then put the already shaped visor on, but I have no idea if that actually works. I think some people tried dying the PETG sheet they used and putting the mirror foil on before vac forming it, I don't know if that wouldn't deteriorate the adhesion layer though, and as you said, it might not stretch with the visor... Maybe I'll give it another shot at some point and I'll see if anything else works
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