Vacuum forming visors

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ok I do expect someone to tell me this shouldn't be a new thread and there probs is one for it I just can't find it....
My two questions are; what sort of plastic do you use for vacuum forming? I suspect polycarbonate....
and also what sort of paints do you use to make it have a correct tint or effect and still be see through?
you can use everything from acrylic to plexiglass

and as for tinting, headlight tint is popular and i use DesignMaster brilliant gold 731 for a gold visor

hope this helps
thanks for that! would you happen to have any links to a site where I can get that paint online? and is that paint a brush on or spray on?
some people use the plastic from 2 liter soda bottles for vaccum forming visors. for example you could use the red mountain dew 2 liter bottle to make a red visor. the plastic is good enough you just gotta get the sticky stuff off the bottle.
but the basic gist of it is the thinner (not to thin) and clearer the plastic is that easier it is to use?
I have the manufactures site for the Design Master Brilliant Gold paint in my visor tinting tutorial that I made a while back, you'll find the tutorial link in my signature. Its what I used on my helmet because of my lack of funds.
Good luck-
what is the best way to stick a visor into a helmet? I'd imagine a vacuum formed visor would do just fine with a hot glue gun?
but what about using a motorcycle visor?

if you notice the clear visor in an experiment i did i separated the visor from the respirator "thingy" and with cleartape i taped the inside and did a mist on the outside with black paint rather a haze i might be able to get a friend to take a pic to show what were talking about
I'm sort of with that your saying :p and yes a photo would help to understand that a lot :)
what about when you stick in a motorbike visor though... how do you do that?
I wanna know how the bluerelm guy did his visor! I understand how he double layered it but how did he stick it in!?
well what you need to do since you already made the helm before, is measure the widest point on the helmet(excluding ears),and then measure your friends head from ear to ear ,then add 2 to 3 inches to that(which means you will have and inch to and inch and a half on both sides of your head inside the helm. When i say add 2 to 3 i mean to your head width, then convert that to mm and go to 2d menu and scale the width to whatever measure you got. Also everything will automatically adjust, hope i helped :)

p.s i'll get that pic up as soon as my alpha sends me a pic
perfect! thanks for your help :) and with the marine helmet yes I did make it... but I never really liked it, currently its just being used as a rubbish bin :p and I think that one was too big anyway.
and if anyone knows where I could get this online and have it shipped to australia I would praise you for life if you gave me a link to that sort of site! "Design Master Brilliant Gold paint"
I'm guessing your best bet is to contact the sellers for it to be mailed.
That's what I did with Aqua Resin. :p
I hope you can get that paint!
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