Visors/lenses for builds

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New Member
Hi guys,
I was just wondering if you guys would have any advice/ hints/ tips/ techniques or even tricks to advise recruits on builds with regards to visors and Lenses, various materials that are best suited or personally preferred.........ways to get the effects people seek without impairing vision through the lenses/visors in builds.......lets face it nobody wants to be the Stormtrooper who walks into blast doors.....
Hey, I think THESE would be your best bet. I have these on my halo build and it works just fine, all you do is cut to shape and tape it in.

Good luck building!
First, what people use for a visor varies a lot depending on the build, builder, desired effect, etc. I've seen people use motorcycle visors with great success. Some others have created their own using homemade vacuum forming machines. I've seen (and used) the product linked above for a project. If you want simplicity, the material Fabled referred to is a great choice. It's a thin, flexible material that you cut out and put in however you want. It's easy to see through from the inside, and reflects well for those on the outside. The only thing I didn't like about using it was that it doesn't "feel like a visor" because it isn't a visor. It's a thin film.

Vacuuforming is an option if you have the ability. Some of us don't have extra ovens in which to heat the plastic and don't want to use the same oven we cook our food in for it. I've also tried buying a motorcycle helmet replacement visor, but sadly, I was not very good in my cutting and it didn't work out. My problem, not the material.

Other notable mentions:
Cutting your visor out of those clear plastic tubs and then putting something like window film (perhaps you could dye it but I'm not sure on that) on it for color.
Someone mentioned using transparent worbla, and I think someone actually used it for a visor. I don't remember how that turned out.
More angular visor, buy plastic sheets and form yourself

All that said, I don't think there is a best way for every project. It all comes down to how much each person can spend and personal ability.
Much appreciated, Might come up with a cunning plan with that material for visors.....should I devise one, will pass it on post haste....thanks dude!
Very Much appreciated guys thank you, Fabled will come up with a cunning plan involving that material....ZP180 yeah was thinking everyone has their own specific ways to do things, I suppose sometimes it does depend on the builder, materials, skill and imagination or innovation....much appreciated for the help.

Thanks guys will devise an evil cunning plan for his obstacle....and if I have a successful one (mainly involves me NOT gluing things to the side of my head) will Dance a jig!
I had a dream last night, that the visor place you are buying from was shut down. (i bought mine there two weeks ago) and a detective came to my house saying i bought nothing since they dont sell it anymore. it was a real nightmare
You can use seriously pretty much anything.
I tested some flexible materials - light foil for car lights which worked perfectly as it was transparent and tinted, with some chrome alclad paint on the inside, then mirror foil... Which worked perfectly as you can shape the foil and you can see through.

This is the visor I made and the cost was like 5$ for both foil and film (you can see the edges of the foil and the line in the visor, which was really important for me).
If you want to do additional hexagon pattern, it might cost 20$ more to get decals and paint.



I had these done and was 100% sure on using them, but then I had a chance and acquired one of these great films by Icon Props (link to the product here). So yeah, there went my visor and I'm keeping the visor I got for them for now.


Both have pros and cons, I think, but both are nice alternatives to vacuum forming if you aren't able to do it.
i have used tinted acrylic sheet aka plexi glass, on my predator mask and my spartan helmet. i just cut the desired size peice, heat it up in the grill part of my oven and bend it into the shape i need. you could even use clear sheet for the base of the visor and buy tint in your desired colour. one thing to note is after you bend the acrillic vision does become slightly blurred, but not enough to impair you.
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