Was New, didn't introduce self

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Jr Member
So, As I used your site extensively back in october 2011, but didn't sign up until recently. (yeah, I feel bad.... uh huh..yup)...

Figured I'd give it a go and say HI... amaaaazzzing site you have.

I will briefly (or not, I'm a blonde who likes to talk) let you know about me.
A single (via expensive lesson on who not to marry..) mommy of one. My daughter who is 11 is an avid Halo fan.

She played Halo constantly with her (shockingly going to be ex-soon) step brother while up at the (shockingly going to be ex- as in kicked his(my ex) butt out of the house smart woman that she is) step mom's house.

So... 22 days before Halloween, my darling daughter decided she wanted to be a spartan soldier.

Amazing mommy that I am, a store bought printed jumpsuit costume of the master chief wasn't going to do.

So internet searches brought me here. and to the amazing world of pepakura...
My first pepakura build was a full suit in 22 days.
I of course had minimal time, or knowledge of exactly how to do this..., so while my first build was rushed and done by a noob, I found it amazingly fun and addicting.


yes, no time to install face shield.. I literally painted some pieces the night before... and ran out of paint so some sections didnt' get a full coat.! And of course couldn't do any airbrushing in that quick of time. I think one piece was still tacky LOLOL

So I'll post those photos, but bear in mind, not to the detail and level of most of you... But pretty dang impressive for 22 days...(least I keep telling myself) And honestly? she did have the best costume hands down in the school... And up in Berkley, Ca where we go each year to play... she impressed 1800 people that passed thru our friends house... (helped it was dark LOL)

So what's next? doing a lot of skyrim stuff, or planning to ;) I definitely want to remake the Master Chief, but waiting for a bit. I am watching the forum, picking up tips. deciding I'd like to learn to make a pep file, why not? LOL I will!!! find out how you attached each piece without cutting them... I had to with this one, and you can see a seam or two in the pic..

My current project takes me away from all that paper for now.. I'm playing with faux leather creating a 'dragon' scaled body with sculpted head?? I dunno, she wants that. And my friend wants a nightingale armor suit, so sewing it is... hmmm... for now.

ps... no, the 'girl' in hot pink is not available... sorry
Excellent work for 22 days, seriously good stuff. You have a knack for pepping, lol. And don't feel too bad... I watched this forum for about 3 years before I joined.

Do you plan on starting a WIP thread for the Skyrim stuff? We'd all love to see it as it comes along!
Geez that's impressive. i feel bad that its taking me this long to pep all of my stuff and yet you pep and finish a suit in 22 days.... Well done!
Oh heck no, don't feel bad its taking you longer.. its a matter of showing her daddy what he lost ;) LOLOL... I need to make sure I stay amazing and out of reach. Actually? gross.. never mind that... don't want to impress the idiot. eww

I am old on crafting... I hate people telling me I can't do it... LOL so I see it, I want it.. I create it. Bonzai tree out of wire and sead beads that weighs 12 lbs (ouch), or beaded undies (ya, no joke not an ounce of fabric... but where can you find those??) suck at crocheting tho.. but crafting?! I have always been able to create... My daughter has a 7 foot tree in her room with the branches crawling across the ceiling... and the cheatah print wall was allll hand done... Crafty

Pep felt very natural, very easy to understand, and while I'm not perfect, It moved pretty quick.

My hardest part was the finishing.. OBVIOUSLY in 22 days there is NO finishing and detailing. bondo was out. tried for the helmet, had to cave and stop.... no airbrushing. (not that I'm the best at shadows and light effects via paint.. oddly I suck bigtime.. :) )

And as I said in the papercraft forum. 22 days left me with minimal time to do the job right. I had to make choices,... no fiberglass. just resin inside and out. quick foam inside for comfort and fit. you see the seams, i had little time to figure out how to do those without messing the pieces up. And no bondo. So the pieces were usable, but a few were ruined after the night was over. A boot got stepped on and it cracked and broke... It resembled thin plastic.

So take your time. Mine was because I didn't know about pepakura before.. didn't know you could create these amazing things like this. I want a suit that will last ..

as for the skyrim I'd love to keep you updated on that. I'm going to have a hard time crafting a dragon head for a helmet I think, but I will manage.. My friend is giving me the 'gonna be a dinosaur head' pep talk now, so it will have to be amazing to prove a point ;)

Once I get things going, I'll get a wip thread up. all I have now is a pep dagger... :) pretty pretty... LOL

Thanks for the good comments, appreciate it. I feel rather.... like the 7 year old showing you his stick figure drawing when you've got a masterpiece in your hand LOLOL... the pictures i see are beyond believable here, amazing and truly inspiring. that has to be the time and attention to detail each of you are able to give it.

it just gets better from here, right?
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