Well-Known Member
This forum and community have come along way and with advancing comes changes. For a while the changes were for the better. I truly believe that can remain. People are just getting back into their natural routine of being about themelves. I hope some of you can contest to the time when members did things for one another. I have been gone for a lil while due to this deployment crap and I come back to seeing dramaand issues. I only hope I can partake once again and help bring some things back. The Older Members like Lee, Privateer, Ben Streeper, Adam, Sean Bradley, Brandon, Das Brutus, Johnny and many others hve paived a way but it is up to the new Members to continue duing so. Take those great examples and even the not so great examples and build. Instead of worrying about what other Members are doing that hurts the Community, focus on what you as an Member can do to make it better. We have done it before and will do it again, the cycle continues.
As a long time member here (longer than anyone who has posted so far) Ithica does make a good point. I have seen the age of members dropping to younger and younger. I'm am not saying this is bad but you just have to expect that there are many teenagers on here who grew up with the internet and have gotten used to the way people talk on the interest (how ever that is per-say). But the older members (both in age and in membership) tend to talk on this forum with more professionalize I have observed. Like Ithica said the older members pave the way and we need to lead by example. They'll catch on. It just takes time. Shoot I remember when Ithica joined and started post videos with every post. That caught on and now he is a Mod!
Maybe I should of posted a video instead...:rolleyes
Thanks for stopping by Dave! Stay Safe!