Wiseman Arsenal Mk7 Spartan Build


New Member
Time to start a new build! As the title says I'm going for Mk7 spartan. Using Titlewave files for the armor, and plan to use a Mk7 cast helmet from Branfur studios. Don't have much to show off yet. Got parts printing as I'm typing this. But he's an example of what I'm going for using Halo Infinite. The idea is my desert ODST gets selected into the Spartan 4 program. And this kit is him years later.
Printing has started. Chest is going now and forearms are being smoothed


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Got the Branfur MK7 cast in. Already started working one it
Branfuhr makes some amazing casts and visors! I'm planning to get him to hydrochrome and dye my mirage visor! this build is looking pretty good so far! Good job! Whats your process for post processing? just curious.

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