Witch Glue for my Foam Armor?


New Member
I think probably everyone readed the "How to assamble pepakura" Tutorial because the most armor come with pepakura files (maby i am wrong but i didnt see much non-pepakura models) and in that tutorial is a list of glues i can use for paper but can i use the same glue with EVA foam too? I dont know how the Foam is reacting to specific glue and I just wanted to ask if everyone knows that
Hot glue is one of the most common for EVA foams.

but I know it is also people have used super glue.

And I know it is possible to use contact cement N8TEBB I believe used that for his armor. but it needs ventilation and ppe since the fumes are hazardous.
The "How to Assemble Pepakura" guide was written specifically for the use of Cardstock with Pepakura in mind back in 2017, before Foam was widely used in the Group. The Pepakura program is used to help assemble Foam armor. The differences are explained in the the "Differences Between Pepakura and Foam Unfolds" thread I directed you to on Monday.

I see you are creating a lot of threads asking questions like this. I would strongly recommend you do some more research and reading in the Tutorial Section, specifically starting with the Tutorial Index:

Where you would see the Foam Guide:

Which lists recommended glue and assembly methods specifically for EVA Foam Armor and props.

Additionally your statement that we do not have many "Non-pepakura model" is very inaccurate. If you look through the files in The Armory, you will see that the vast majority of the Files for Armor pieces, perhaps not Helmets as much due to their inherent complexity, will have both Cardstock Pepakura and Foam Optimized .PDOs file, differentiated by the "FOAM" in the file name, such as:
Again ,this was explained in the "Differences Between Pepakura and Foam Unfolds" thread I directed you to on Monday.

We also have an extensive curated list of Free 3D printing files:
I use foam-optimized pdo files to craft my armour out of EVA foam. I use Barge contact cement to glue the foam together.

I'd say the two most popular methods for crafting at the moment are 3D printing and foam crafting. Many folks get free files for 3D printing from that index Cadet posted above, or they purchase files from an online shop. Folks who craft out of EVA foam typically get their files from our armoury, but there are online shops that sell foam pdo files as well.

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