X-Men: First class Magneto helmet template help.

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New Member
Hello fellow members I've been wondering how do I make a file(or what ever) that people can download? I don't think there are any Magneto helmet templates on the net so I was sorta wondering if I could do one. BUT if there is one on the net please let me know and I won't bother with the download thingy. Here's some pics of my template.

Easiest way would be to scan it on a flat bed scanner. Depending on what color the scanner produces when nothing is in it(either black or white, mine is black), just trace it on to the opposite color and scan the middle. Then measure how far out it extends and draw those lines into the template file you create from the scan. Or you could scan the whole thing in sections, just add alignment marks to line up the files on the computer.
Thank you Sactchmo III lol no need for the download thingy now :p

Thank dung0beetle, his model is pretty sweet. I actually stumbled upon his blog entry just last week (I hardly ever check the blog section) and followed the link to his website where I saw the Magneto helmet among some other interesting work of his.

It's never a bad thing to provide members with another way to approach a build so if you still wanted to complete and upload scans of your templates (as Zat German recommended) you should. Due to the dome's curvature though, it'd be my opinion that using dung0beetle's PDO file would make scaling/construction easier in this case.

@Zat German: I like your signature, sorry I haven't had much time recently to go on the chat channel.
I agree. I don't even know how to begin to make a dome for the helmet. I could use the balloon or plaster trick but that just doesn't seem to be the more "legit" way I guess. Thank you for the link once again!
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