
405th Regiment Officer
Howdy Everyone!!

Some of you might know me from my time in the Discord or on the Forums, but for those who don't my name is Ben and I am the new RCO for Colonial. I am newer to the 405th, having joined last July, and I have been working on my ODST suit ever since! I'm an engineering student located in PA and in my free time I play a ton of video games and D&D. I'm a massive nerd and you'll probably find me either on the forums reading, or on the discord yapping.

There's a couple of things I want to work on as RCO this year. Firstly I want to build Colonial more to have more of a presence at regional conventions. I know there is a plan for a few of us to show up at Sci-fi valley this year and I'd love to work with y'all to help spread the 405th name! Secondly, I've had some ideas for a few small projects we could work on together. I'm not talking anything massive like what Longsword and Harvest's booth setup, but something that we set up at a table to show off what we're capable of. I won't reveal everything here, but there's plans in the works if people are down to assist! Finally, I would love for colonial to have more interaction with the other regiments. I'm not sure how to best facilitate this, but I'll try to figure it out!

So lets do this. I can't wait to see what the future has in store!
- YTunz (Ben)
Finally, I would love for colonial to have more interaction with the other regiments. I'm not sure how to best facilitate this, but I'll try to figure it out!

I got you


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