Zachturner009's Halo Reach Commando Foam Build

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So in the mood to build my multiplayer character off of Halo Reach, I'll post my picture of it in a little bit, it will be all foam, minus the undersuit, which I will use TurboCharizard templates for mostly, just because he did all the work and I'm lazy or might try to recover my files from my old computer, but that is far away, anyway enjoy my progress, and have a great day!
Alright got my pics of my current armor and the piece I haven't unlocked yet cause it's like 250k credits, but here it is and might upload a pic of what I thought of doing.




Anyway, I'm going to mix and match some pep files and try to get it game accurate, hell maybe even T3 accurate, so imma hit the chest up, probably going to stick with the base chest, so I'm using the Mk v chest b-a4 as my base chest and been unfolding for foam a little at a time, like to section stuff off I guess and using the chest foam version to use as for the details, so these 2 in the pics




And those will be my file I will use for my details, might even use the power pack!

That neck piece looks way good. I kinda wish you had done this a year ago, because when I did that part for my Reach Mk V I couldn't really tell how it was supposed to fit together, so I just kind of improvised. I like it man.

Just watch ot for your seams. Those are the hardest part, I think. It's like I always say: seams kill dreams.

Just kidding, I just made that up. I don't always say that.
That neck piece looks way good. I kinda wish you had done this a year ago, because when I did that part for my Reach Mk V I couldn't really tell how it was supposed to fit together, so I just kind of improvised. I like it man.

Just watch ot for your seams. Those are the hardest part, I think. It's like I always say: seams kill dreams.

Just kidding, I just made that up. I don't always say that.
You definitely say that all the time, yeah rushed that piece might redo it, or just "qwik" seal the thing
Just noticed the collar/neck piece on the front has like a "valley fold so drew the line and cut it on the back side with cutting all the to the edge and wedge a scrap piece of foam to keep it stuck out for a bit but it's only temporary until I get more glue sticks.

Damn my guy thats really good. Where did you end up getting the files or how did you make the templates?
I havent worked in this puppy in 2 months, but all files I got from the armory, just tweaked it to work for foam, I will probably redo the neck piece to some 10mm smooth foam, basically without the texture inside of it. But that wont be for some time, finishing up my ODST
I havent worked in this puppy in 2 months, but all files I got from the armory, just tweaked it to work for foam, I will probably redo the neck piece to some 10mm smooth foam, basically without the texture inside of it. But that wont be for some time, finishing up my ODST

ODST's are super nice, my first build was my ODST. Did you ever find a file for the chest rig for the Commando? Been looking around and havent found much other then the helmet, shoulders and chest accessories.
I cant wait to work on it myself. Been a little afraid since I never have worked on something as big and detailed as a Suit of MJOLNIR. But before I start gotta finish some other cosplays I had planned.
building a MJOLNIR is a challenge to build but it pays off once all the hard stuff is done just don't be like me who started my commando and finished the base armor but started 2 other MJOLNIR suits for the heck of it because why have one when you can have 3! just kidding the two others are for two of my relatives but plan before you begin one because it usually takes 6 months to build one so you don't miss events that you wanted to attend go team commando!
building a MJOLNIR is a challenge to build but it pays off once all the hard stuff is done just don't be like me who started my commando and finished the base armor but started 2 other MJOLNIR suits for the heck of it because why have one when you can have 3! just kidding the two others are for two of my relatives but plan before you begin one because it usually takes 6 months to build one so you don't miss events that you wanted to attend go team commando!
Damn I feel the start other project before finish a previous one a lot. How would you go about planning and any tips to give for advice of how to build one?
Damn I feel the start other project before finish a previous one a lot. How would you go about planning and any tips to give for advice of how to build one?
The main issue that you will encounter I would say would be sizing, its best to figure out that since its the biggest problem that made my build take longer was sizing. Ill start a build thread documenting my build process of my commando armor but to summarize the main issue if your around 5'11 in height size up the body armor except helmet and chest 10% since this is my height and made the armor fit me to size the shoulders and knees will need to be sized down greatly but since this isn't my thread that the best advice I can give you here until I start my own build thread.
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