New profile posts

Majority of the ODST is done. Just waiting on the shins to print so I can glue, sand and paint everything together. So excited!
Do I have to live where the MIB is based to join sir? and how do I make it where my profile page states that I am part of the Southern Regiment?
Whereabouts in Alabama are you? Our reach is fairly broad which is ultimately what we want. We are serving North and Central Alabama mostly.
Oh I live in North Carolina.
Ah okay yeah Magic Iron is for Alabamians. There are several folks in NC.
Hi Xhimpei just wanted to say thank you for the jet pack pep file I have made one thank you
Currently rushing to 3d print and foam craft an ODST uniform for Outpost Discovery in Philly! Wish me luck! #halooutpostdiscover #halo
Hello Sean please could you help me am trying to get master chiefs halo4 full body armour to build in pepakura card but am haveing trouble getting the full patern could you help me am disabled aswell
For some reason I cannot start new conversations, reply to existing conversations, or message staff members to defend the questioning I received on whether I was a spam account based on my name/avatar. My reply's keep getting marked as "spam or inappropriate" and I dont understand why. I have screenshots of both my response and the message I receive after my response is denied.
Got my nametag from Dark Star Merch
Unfortunately I forgot how to post pictures on here, so I’ll show a pic as soon as I can...
I plan on attending Outpost Discovery in Chicago, so I’m thoroughly excited about that. I’ll miss the Southern Regiment as most of them are going to the Orlando Outpost, but I am excited to meet new people and make new friends from the Midwest Regiment. I also look forward to meeting the Halo YouTuber Halo Canon
Hope to see you all there, and if you do see me, feel free to say hi
My Usernames
Steam: Random Ranger
Xbox: RndmRanger
PS4: halfdead55 (this account is oooooold)
Switch: SW-5997-7393-9580 (friend code)
Blizzard: RandomRanger#11767
Origin: RandRanger

IG: RndmRanger
YouTube: Random Ranger
If you add me and I don't recognize your username from the 405th/don't add you back, just send me a message and I'll accept :)