New profile posts

Well if you’re going to Bronycon, this is the last year to do it. They’re closing up after this year.
Well dang, I know what I’m doing this year then, add a half assed pony tail, add some green ears and boom! Ponyfied.
Working on planning Commander Shepard first...then we shall attempt a Spartan. I am currently going to finish my Mandalorian.....
Hey there!

I've been going through all 45 pages of Crimmson's aswell as your thread and I can't find the unfolded Lord Shaxx helmet file anywhere.
I just wanted to ask if there's any chance you still have it.

All the best,
Hey im new and id like to kmo if you know where i can find a halo 3 cosplay maker... if you know any of the best with official replicas and lights history let me know?? thank you
Im looking for a professional halo cosplay 3 maker, if there are any out there please reply me as soon as possible??
Gonna be planning out on making a set of my Spartan's armor from Reach. Will post pics when done
Back here at the moment but noticed my profile has changed. (Prof pics etc.) Trying to fix the issues. Thanks for the patience.