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Looking for people to make videos with as well as create props and sets. I'll be in Florida for the next 3 years, so let me know if anyone has any shoots or projects they need help with or want to work with people on.
Hey nice EOD suit! Did you use the files on here to make it? I want to make one for myself.
ok, I'm making a halo infinite master chief armor set, and I need reference to the gauntlets, a can't seem to find much.
Hello Andrew,
I just wanted to say thank you for all the templates and tutorials you've made. It has made my work a lot easier and a lot of fun. You're amazing!!
DUDE! I just saw your tower shield pauldron on that odst finish build. GLORIOUS! I saw it was 3d printed. Did you do that yourself? Or did you purchase it? If you made it, do you think you have a pepakura file of it? I'd love to try building something like that.
I'm having trouble posting pictures. I've been trying to use imgur but I haven't had any luck with it. Does anyone have any advice?
Hello, I am an amateur cosplayer whose looking to improve his foam working skills while working on a Reach spartan build. I'm not new to foam working as I have built the H3 and H4 versions of Master Chief's armor but I really struggled in the painting department and would like to improve on that the most. I plan on posting progress updates semi-regularly along with copious cries for help.
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Be sure to make a build thread, and everyone will be willing to help ya!