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  • Well you are on the right track, measuring the width, simply because it is much easier to scale. Now the next part is much easier if you have someone willing to help you. Take that width scale and use a ruler or tape measure to judge where that width would fall on your shoulders. If it seems too wide or narrow, adjust accordingly. Now the nice thing about the V4 torso is, the widest point is actually the soft armor. You can build the "hard" armor to fit your body, if you need to adjust more than one measurement (width, height, depth), then adjust the soft armor accordingly to fall properly on your shoulders. Long story short: use the smallest dimension that will fit your body. When I say that, if 1 of 3 measurements will fit you comfortably, and the other 2 are a little big, it's going to be much easier than trying to get all 3 measurements perfect. Help a little more?

    When I unfolded the V4 torso set, I did everything at default scale. I have the core torso pepped, and it seems to be at a good scale for myself, being around 5'7", with a broad chest. Now when it comes to foam, L3X did the unfold for the foam version, I didn't do anything there. Hope that answers your question.

    An excellent question! I haven't tried any Spartan stuff (yet), so I can't say which is easier.

    However, the ODST wasn't too difficult. I would say use Kirrou's and Hugh's files. Kirrou's are the most accurate, but Hugh's files are really easy to pep and are still very accurate. I haven't pepped his helmet, so I'm not sure on that, but Kirrou's wasn't too difficult. If you wanna go for H3 ODST accurate, then use Kirrou's gauntlets. They were really difficult to pep, so I saved them for last, but they look awesome. If you want H3 accurate, then all of Hugh's stuff is good.
    Hey bro ive seen you around the 405th and you seem pretty cool. I was wondering, dou you have a youtube. I want to see what ur working on. Im new so im gathering research, im going to make ODST armor, for paintball.
    I know, I want EOD shoulder pads, and I'm gonna have a special custom attachment on the HAZOP as well as an army green color scheme, with black flames. sweet, right? and this is going to be used in a comedy series. undecided on a title, but 3 characters, and I'm making ALL of the armor. so ya.
    Hey man. I've noticed that you've been linking to the guide, and I really appreciate, as I'm sure everyone else does as long as it helps out a noob. Hearing that it's been helpful and that it's getting read really makes it worthwhile to have written it up, as it definitely wasn't a quick or easy task.

    As for all the stickies, yes it can be overwhelming and confusing. I remember when I first joined I read and read all of the tutorials, but was frustrated when I couldn't find them again! Hopefully some day the forums and the site in general will be cleaned up.

    Thanks for the kind comments, and good luck on your builds!
    Likewise! I totally know what you mean. The internet is pretty anonymous place, but even a small blurb in your signature can make people stop and think. ;)
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I am a visual effects artist on my way to making my first suit of armor.

Adobe After Effects
May 24, 1994 (Age: 30)
Look behind you.
Self Employed visual effects for TVFilms Productio


--->>>>"Trusting in Jesus"<<<<---
--->>>>Hazop Reach build: In Progress<<<<---