405th Merchandise

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I like this Luis! We discussed a few of these today. Lets keep adding and get the wheels moving on merch for the Southern group!
Business cards? I know that sounds weird. But I want to hand people a snazzy card that has the 405th website on it and a spot I can put a mailing label with my username on it..
I am not opposed to a pre-sale. I am working on one item at current that was requested. I hope to have a design wrapped int he next several days.
PM me about Waterslide decals Dirtdives . These are a little easier to put together that I wouldn't necessarily include in a merchandise format. Anyone with a laser or inkjet printer can make these at home or their local copy shop. As such i could see about providing some graphic files on the forum for theses purposes. The items we are discussing at large are things that would have minimum order requirements.
Helllllo 405th! We've got some most excellent news coming your way for merchandise projects!

I've been speaking with a couple of suppliers for some fun stuff and what minimums will be required etc. Both will handle the sale and shipping of items so that's a big relief as well. As well I know that Robert is working on a design for T-shirts. All in all you can rest assured that you can be 405th blinged out this year! Shirts, hoodies, Regiment coins and patches, armor bin ID plates and logos and name badges just to name a few!


Just a bit of an update - our graphics guy has had some family medical stuff to deal with and is a little behind. He's also creating a new website for us to order from. Robert is working on the graphics so that those are ready to go when the website is running and hopefully we'll have some samples to show you soon!

Robert is also working on some apparel designs. Likely we'll start off with a simple t-shirt and perhaps a hoodie and then work our way from there.

Robert would also like everyone to know that if someone has an idea and some graphics skills he's open to design submissions for later merch. Please chat with him about what you can and cannot do with the logo etc.
Do we do tee-shirts?, i mean why wouldnt we but in case we dont. I would also appreciate the ability to purchase Moral Patches with the 405th logo on them for either my airsoft gear or to put on my armor
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