Foam Agent Carolina Build

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Even if I'm still in process of creating my Hazop armor I can't help but start a new thread about my newest project - Agent Carolina from RvB season 15.
So this build is going to be a little bit different from my other ones, cause it will serve some other purposes than just going to cons and photoshoots (man I need to finally get some epic photos of my Master Chief suit). It doesn't mean I'm not going to take it to cons.

Since I've been training martial arts for 8 years now I think it would be amazing to create suit in which I could perform them. And just in case I'm going to point out that this will not be a protective gear for martial arts at all, more of a cosmetic kit for choreographed fight performances.

I decided that this suit will be best because:
A. I like the character
B. Female armors are a lot less bulky, mainly chestplate, so mobility will be better then in any male suits and recruit armor is generally perfect for this kind of stuff, and recon helmet is one of my favorite
C. There are already fight scenes which can be recreated

So main challenges are:
- making unfolds suitable for foam (unfortunately there are no female recruit parts in the armory)
- learning sewing - this will require custom made bodysuit cause morphsuits aren't stretchy enought
- perfect scaling - it can't restrict movement very much so everything needs to be on spot
- seamless attached armor to the undersuit - for same as above
- using skills I've learned from past builds to make this as ideal as possible, using foam of course for quite obvious reasons (I don't want it to be only practical, I want to find the sweet spot in the middle of good looking and practicality) and using heat gun from the begging of the build... not when I'm in 3/5 of the build *coughs* *Hazop*
- Traing to be able to do same stuff in it as I can without it
- Trying to convince my homie to do Tex so we could do fight performance based on the fight from season 15 at cosplay contest... picture it, maybe a cosplay constest with real Tex and Carolina fighting with The Blues and Reds on the screen in the background changing soundtracks.

And maybe doing foam helmet in the end but this is only a possibility if I will feel confident enough to approch it. But for now I'll stick with 3D printed helmet which will need to be reinfored with fiberglass or carbon fiber

And unfortunately I finished the most pleasant task - gathering references (I think there will be a lot of free-handing involved so every reference counts) and it was just watching RvB

Just in case anyone makes recruit armor I'll just leave them here. (There is like 50 of them) Maybe someone finds it useful.


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Even if I'm still in process of creating my Hazop armor I can't help but start a new thread about my newest project - Agent Carolina from RvB season 15.
So this build is going to be a little bit different from my other ones, cause it will serve some other purposes than just going to cons and photoshoots (man I need to finally get some epic photos of my Master Chief suit). It doesn't mean I'm not going to take it to cons.

Since I've been training martial arts for 8 years now I think it would be amazing to create suit in which I could perform them. And just in case I'm going to point out that this will not be a protective gear for martial arts at all, more of a cosmetic kit for choreographed fight performances.

I decided that this suit will be best because:
A. I like the character
B. Female armors are a lot less bulky, mainly chestplate, so mobility will be better then in any male suits and recruit armor is generally perfect for this kind of stuff, and recon helmet is one of my favorite
C. There are already fight scenes which can be recreated

So main challenges are:
- making unfolds suitable for foam (unfortunately there are no female recruit parts in the armory)
- learning sewing - this will require custom made bodysuit cause morphsuits aren't stretchy enought
- perfect scaling - it can't restrict movement very much so everything needs to be on spot
- seamless attached armor to the undersuit - for same as above
- using skills I've learned from past builds to make this as ideal as possible, using foam of course for quite obvious reasons (I don't want it to be only practical, I want to find the sweet spot in the middle of good looking and practicality) and using heat gun from the begging of the build... not when I'm in 3/5 of the build *coughs* *Hazop*
- Traing to be able to do same stuff in it as I can without it
- Trying to convince my homie to do Tex so we could do fight performance based on the fight from season 15 at cosplay contest... picture it, maybe a cosplay constest with real Tex and Carolina fighting with The Blues and Reds on the screen in the background changing soundtracks.

And maybe doing foam helmet in the end but this is only a possibility if I will feel confident enough to approch it. But for now I'll stick with 3D printed helmet which will need to be reinfored with fiberglass or carbon fiber
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And unfortunately I finished the most pleasant task - gathering references (I think there will be a lot of free-handing involved so every reference counts) and it was just watching RvB

Just in case anyone makes recruit armor I'll just leave them here. (There is like 50 of them) Maybe someone finds it useful.
That is really interesting. I never realized Carolina's armor was recruit. I guess I just never paid much attention to it and assumed it would be recon aswell. If you cant find a model or rip, I dont think it would be too hard to replicate. It looks very similar to the male version of me. The only difference is that it is slightly smaller and more shallow. Plus I think the thrusters aren't as long. If you have armorsmith, the non uniform scaling option should help alot
That is really interesting. I never realized Carolina's armor was recruit. I guess I just never paid much attention to it and assumed it would be recon aswell. If you cant find a model or rip, I dont think it would be too hard to replicate. It looks very similar to the male version of me. The only difference is that it is slightly smaller and more shallow. Plus I think the thrusters aren't as long. If you have armorsmith, the non uniform scaling option should help alot

Oh... non uniform scaling sounds like a great idea.
They are slightly different, but yeah, it should solve this problem, thanks!
I think... I've just found something that could minimize my problems with undersuit...


This is some sort of neoprene wetsuit which is even in the righ colours (still could use some hand painting and rubber undersuit details tho)
And it should be very stretchy, so exactly what I need. I tried to look for some revievs of it on german and british amazon and I found only two, but positive. But the best thing about it is price, on uk amazon it's £69, on german amazon it's 50 €, but on a local site I found it for about $22 so... I think, I'm going to get it and at least one problem will be solved
Neoprene looks amazing, but you run the risk of overheating and you'll definitely need to stay super hydrated.

Oh man... I didn't think about this before... I thought about making a cooling system with pipes running cooled water inside my Hazop/Master Chief undersuit, but it wouldn't work in this one... going to cons with this suit doesn't soudn like a good option anymore... cause some fight performence doesn't take longer than hour to prepare but 6-10 hours on con... damn...

And something out of undersuit context, few minutes ago I nearly bought a lot of floor mats and I mean A LOT, mainly for training purposes in this suit, but then I realised that... why should I do that... I will be literally covered in the same thing I'm used to fall down on. I will need to test this when I finish the suit, I mean, I'm going to be a training dummy for my mate.

Also I think this is going to be my first thread where I'll try to implement some videos from training in it, because it's not only the thread covering the build but also a very long way of me trying to basically do same stuff I do without suit (which doesn't sound very interesting but will surely look cool)
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