Custom Halo ODST Build


Hey everyone, BansheeRose here! When I finish my Halo 3 Gravity Hammer build I will be revisiting my Halo ODST build in order to have it ready for the Halo Championships in October. I started on my ODST build nearly a year ago, but of course, other projects became priority and it got placed on the back burner for a while. With each piece I have built so far, I have used a higher level of care than I have for any other project. I started with a prototype for each piece to make sure everything is the correct size and look that I want. I have applied hot glue to every single inner seam to seal it as well as possible and I have applied 2mm foam to the back of certain pieces to help maintain shape and durability. I want this cosplay to be waterproof and last a life time. Certain pieces will be adjustable, such as the thighs, belt, and chest piece to be flexible for when my size fluctuates due to my health. I plan to apply plastidip to all exposed foam to ensure it becomes waterproof and any fabric pieces, such as pouches, will be made with water resistant fabric that is quick drying. I am putting my skills to the test to determine where I am at in my cosplay journey, it is purely for personal reasons. I'm making this thread now so I can post the progress I already have and connect it with the progress I'll be making in the future. I'll be sure to be super detailed with my process so if you have any questions please feel free to ask!

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Hmmm maybe I should be trying to make my suit last longer too... though the way I treat it I'd say 3 years is pretty good lol
Finally some ODST progress! I picked things back up with the thighs and so far I've finished the bases for both legs, I am still however still deciding how I want to do the attachment, I have to incorporate some kind of elastic or adjustable strap because if I were to connect the foam I would pop a seam or rip it the second I go to sit down. Additional details will have to wait until after the paint job since it will be with fabric, I did decide on using 10mm foam for this rather than 5mm foam that may be more seamless because I want it to be a durable as possible. The details will have my own custom flare as well but I'm going to keep it light since I will likely add a pack to one thigh and a gun holster to the other, or something like that.

Progress is moving steadily with both thighs and knees being built with lightly customized details. The knees, unfortunately will end up being disproportional to the shin armor simply due to my body shape because I want the knee armor to actually cup my knee rather than just sit on top of it. So far I have built the back piece of the shin armor three times, and I don't want to do it again despite it not being to the degree of quality I want it to be, but hopefully I can cover up some of the iffy bits with the details to be added later. Photos soon to come because my google drive is being funky right now.
So the shin and knee armor are practically done, I will however, be going back in later on to do some clean up and add some battle damage. I do like how it turned out despite how challenging it was. I also decided that I'm probably going to wear these boots in costume since they add a bit of height so the ends of the shin armor are not at risk of brushing the ground. I will note that it is much more difficult to bend my knees in this armor. Even without the thigh armor, it is very difficult to climb stairs. However, they are sturdy and don't slide around which is a plus, the less I have to constantly adjust while in costume the more comfortable I will be over all. I also left a small window underneath the front bit for some ventilation what will later be covered with plastic computer vent that I stole from my brother, shhh, don't tell him.

Why is it so restrictive? Intuitively I would assume that a foam shin wouldn't restrict movement too much. Looks great though!
So the shin and knee armor are practically done, I will however, be going back in later on to do some clean up and add some battle damage. I do like how it turned out despite how challenging it was. I also decided that I'm probably going to wear these boots in costume since they add a bit of height so the ends of the shin armor are not at risk of brushing the ground. I will note that it is much more difficult to bend my knees in this armor. Even without the thigh armor, it is very difficult to climb stairs. However, they are sturdy and don't slide around which is a plus, the less I have to constantly adjust while in costume the more comfortable I will be over all. I also left a small window underneath the front bit for some ventilation what will later be covered with plastic computer vent that I stole from my brother, shhh, don't tell him.

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is the reason its hard to bend your knees because of the shin armor being so high on the back? I cut a little half moon on mine to give my leg some bend.
So the shin and knee armor are practically done, I will however, be going back in later on to do some clean up and add some battle damage. I do like how it turned out despite how challenging it was. I also decided that I'm probably going to wear these boots in costume since they add a bit of height so the ends of the shin armor are not at risk of brushing the ground. I will note that it is much more difficult to bend my knees in this armor. Even without the thigh armor, it is very difficult to climb stairs. However, they are sturdy and don't slide around which is a plus, the less I have to constantly adjust while in costume the more comfortable I will be over all. I also left a small window underneath the front bit for some ventilation what will later be covered with plastic computer vent that I stole from my brother, shhh, don't tell him.

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Foamwork is looking amazing! Can’t wait to see it done!
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