First Build (Noob Level)

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New Member
Hello guys my name is Josh and im new here, ive been trying to get a noble 6 cosplay going and have hit issues with each time i have tried. ive tried pepakura and foam and either way i manage to mess something up. so i thought id put some posts on here to get some help from people to give me better ways of doing things.

first issue with my pepukura model is it became all one side looking different to the other so i thought id try the foam build on one of the arms and had massive issues with not being able to get a good cut without it looking like i tried to chew it off.


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Hey JoshyMV . Welcome to the forum! A lot of new people show up and have the exact same issues. I don't know much about foam smithing but from what I have gathered, you should try using a razor for cutting rather than scissors and always keep the blade nice and sharp.

I'm a pepakura guy myself and I can say from a place of confidence that it's hard. Your first pieces are gonna look kinda rough. Nobody starts off at this hobby as a pro. Honestly, the helmet looks pretty good to me. If you don't like it, you can always just make it again because you probably learned a lot the first time through. Also, small errors and warping can be corrected in the later stages.
I have two helmets in progress. The first one was my first helmet and it's so warped that I just use it just to practice technique for the later stages.
Practice makes perfect (or at least better) with this hobby so don't give up! It looks like you're off to a great start!
Glad to have you here!
Hey JoshyMV . Welcome to the forum! A lot of new people show up and have the exact same issues. I don't know much about foam smithing but from what I have gathered, you should try using a razor for cutting rather than scissors and always keep the blade nice and sharp.

I'm a pepakura guy myself and I can say from a place of confidence that it's hard. Your first pieces are gonna look kinda rough. Nobody starts off at this hobby as a pro. Honestly, the helmet looks pretty good to me. If you don't like it, you can always just make it again because you probably learned a lot the first time through. Also, small errors and warping can be corrected in the later stages.
I have two helmets in progress. The first one was my first helmet and it's so warped that I just use it just to practice technique for the later stages.
Practice makes perfect (or at least better) with this hobby so don't give up! It looks like you're off to a great start!
Glad to have you here!
hiya, thanks for the comment, i was using a sharp hobby knife i had the scissors where for cutting the paper, i might give pepakura another go however instead of fibreglass stuff which ive seen you use in your post ive got a two part solution your supposed to pour into the helmet which becomes a plastic type thing.
The helmet looks pretty good for your first try, and in order to get clean cuts on foam, I think people who work with foam use box cutter knives. They usually range from $1-$10:
The helmet looks pretty good for your first try, and in order to get clean cuts on foam, I think people who work with foam use box cutter knives. They usually range from $1-$10:
i actually might have one of those box cutter knives laying around the house imma see if i can find it
hiya, thanks for the comment, i was using a sharp hobby knife i had the scissors where for cutting the paper, i might give pepakura another go however instead of fibreglass stuff which ive seen you use in your post ive got a two part solution your supposed to pour into the helmet which becomes a plastic type thing.
Oh yeah. And fiberglass is a whole nother craziness. Working with the fiberglass cloth is a whole learning curve of its own. That solution sounds kool. What's it called? I know people say you can use a rondo (1 part bondo to 1 part resin) solution to do basically that and it works pretty well.
Oh yeah. And fiberglass is a whole nother craziness. Working with the fiberglass cloth is a whole learning curve of its own. That solution sounds kool. What's it called? I know people say you can use a rondo (1 part bondo to 1 part resin) solution to do basically that and it works pretty well.
This is the stuff I've got to try, I saw someone make a star wars helmet with a different brand but was something similar so its what I found to try for my first helmet.

Welcome JoshyMV! I'm one of many here who has done a fair bit with foam so I can help with that regard - in terms of Pepakura, that's not my department. With your foam, the best recommendation I can say is use a hobby knife like you are, but make sure it is sharp. You'll be sharpening your blade every few cuts because foam seriously dulls the edge.
Oh, and your pep helmet is looking pretty neat, there's some nice crisp edges and smooth curves.
Welcome JoshyMV! I'm one of many here who has done a fair bit with foam so I can help with that regard - in terms of Pepakura, that's not my department. With your foam, the best recommendation I can say is use a hobby knife like you are, but make sure it is sharp. You'll be sharpening your blade every few cuts because foam seriously dulls the edge.
Oh, and your pep helmet is looking pretty neat, there's some nice crisp edges and smooth curves.
Thanks and yeah I need to learn to sharpen the hobby knives. For a bit I found using scissors was better for straight cuts than the knives.

I also might use a dremmel might help sand some sides down
I am not a pro foam builder but a quick tip is to alway make sure the knife is still sharp because when the knife get dull, it start tearing the foam plus it get harder to cut. (I learn that the hardway)
I am not a pro foam builder but a quick tip is to alway make sure the knife is still sharp because when the knife get dull, it start tearing the foam plus it get harder to cut. (I learn that the hardway)
thanks for the tip man, i figured that out the hard way too as i went through a lot of "trial" cuts
hi guys i will just say that if you go to a dollar tree they have a honing stone there that will work if you want to put a edge back on your razor it will help save on razor blade costs
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