Halo Outpost Discovery Make-A-Wish Event - Friday

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Executive Officer
Division Staff
Community Staff
Member DIN
We have been invited by Microsoft and 343i to participate in a small "Arrival Ceremony" for a Make-A-Wish Child who is attending HOD as part of their wish.

As with a lot of things at a large event like this, things are still in motion, and while there is not a definitive plan set in stone, right now they are anticipating around noon or so on Friday, and would like to have some of our members suited up to cheer on the Wish Family as they enter the Outpost. I will have more details as things get ironed out, but I wanted to let everyone know so they can keep it in mind that we might need as many people as we can get suited up around noon on Friday.

Thanks and be on the look out for more info, and if nothing else I'll be keeping everyone updated on site Friday morning.
I would really love to be part of that but sadly I'll still be on the road heading down
Keep me posted on the news. If I can try to make this I will
I should be able to make it, I'm definitely down.
I’ll be able to make it.
i hope i can going there too
but i can't since i got final test for 2 weeks
also hell far away ha ha ha
I had a chance to talk to our Microsoft Contact, Sarah, this afternoon. Sounds like 1240 will be the time for the escort of he family into the Outpost and then do a small photoshoot with the Family.
I just wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank each and every one of you who took time out of your day on Friday to come together and do this for the Make-A-Wish Family.

You did the 405th, and our Regiment, proud.
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