Hex editor help?

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Well-Known Member
Alright 405th, we have a lot of talent here and i require a very specific set of skills.....which i dont have. But it is not from a lack of trying or lack of research. i hate to admit but my mental capacity for using a hex editor is, how should i put it, very limited. i am converting some files over to dat format from geom, before someone mentions it i have also researched python scripts to import both dat and geom into blender. i found many and none of them worked. i will upload the files if someone is interested and has the ability to use hex2obj. the files in question are these.


i have renamed as i got them and i can convert them to dat format or if you know how it would be up to you. i know some are doubles but ignore that.


here is a pic of the dat files in question. there are many more but this is all i have converted
ignore the cmd screen on the right.

here is a quick list
ahamkaras spine
armada type 3 helm
armamentarium chest
bad juju weapon
cowl of the hezen lords helm
heart of order
helm of no tomorrow
instanu g razor
light beyond nemesis
mask of the 3rd man
skull of dire ahamkara
vest of the exile
vest of the iron lords
will breakers
will breakers resolve

these have been converted to dat format but need to be opened in hex2obj in order to be converted. you would need to open them in a hex editor find the start and the end of the model, do the hex math, input into hex2obj and hopefully it extracts a working model. so that being said i can say that i got the geom file myself, converted to dat and got stuck there. so i need help so that we can get these ready for pep. i have read and watched hex editor tutorials to no avail. my only stipulation is this, please upload the files so that we can work on them, please dont say you can and then dont share them. thank you in advance.
if you have these skills i will send you the files.


  • destinyworkflow.jpg
    110.1 KB · Views: 305
well I have learnt how to do the math in hex edit, how to import and use scripts in blender and 3ds max. how to use programs using the command prompt in my puter. but I still don't know where to start the model in hex edit. so until I do or some one helps we are stuck with only a certain amount of helmets.
Sorry i cant help you out. I would love to but extracting models is an unkown art to me.

no worries. i have made more advances in this subject . i can get faces and objects to appear but not correctly, sadly i didnt think to take pics. either way i did more research.... lets just say that this is not even the tip of the iceberg to understanding this. so i have been reading. alot. dwords, floats, bytes 16.24, 32, 48 etc wow. big endian, small endian. the 405th is forcing me to learn many new things. from pepping to bondoing to 3d modeling to unfolding to using scripts in max and blender and dos command to extracting to reading hex, decimal and binary etc. sheesh. i just wish i could remember the members' name who stated why dont you learn how to do it your self many years ago when i requested something i think... so i can thank him or her and curse them(just kidding).
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