Mark 3 Iron Man Armor Files

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Well-Known Member
The original obj files used to create this came from callmemilo of the LoH forum, original thread is here.
My unfolded version of the full suit, helmet included, can be found here ;)

Note: Posts split from this thread
KillerT26 said:
awe just when i was happy i go to open it and oh's no the file is corrupted :mad:
I downloaded them again and they worked fine... odd o_O try this one
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Dark Jedi said:
Is there a scaling factor we would need to use with these, like the Master Chief Plans?
Not really, at least not that I'm aware of... it's pretty hit and miss right now, I'm not planning on building the suit for quite some time so I can't test it, but in theory you should be able to scale one piece to the correct size and use the scale number to resize all the other pieces. Though in reality that's probably not going to work, the only thing I could suggest is to measure each part of your body and try using that size to scale each piece.
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Nice job on the unfolds as always, belakor...
the downloads work fine for me too.

Would you mind if I make these into PDFs and/ or JPGs? I can PM you the links when they're done, so you can repost them and they can all be kept together.... let me know.

Ruze789 said:
Nice job on the unfolds as always, belakor...
the downloads work fine for me too.

Would you mind if I make these into PDFs and/ or JPGs? I can PM you the links when they're done, so you can repost them and they can all be kept together.... let me know.


Thanks Ruze :) and feel free to convert them. I would do it myself but I'm running out of free time for all these things ;)

kerotan 36 said:
Nice unfold, I might use them as a base for my Project S.H.I.E.L.D. But then again I wanna sculpt it.
Why not do both? ;)
I know someone that is using these files for that exact reason. The pep files are reinforced with fiberglass and then clay can be used on top of that to do the actual sculpting. That way you get the proportions right from the start and you don't have to worry about doing any lifecasts to get accurate forms to sculpt over :)
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Belakor said:
Thanks Ruze :) and feel free to convert them. I would do it myself but I'm running out of free time for all these things ;)
Why not do both? ;)
I know someone that is using these files for that exact reason. The pep files are reinforced with fiberglass and then clay can be used on top of that to do the actual sculpting. That way you get the proportions right from the start and you don't have to worry about doing any lifecasts to get accurate forms to sculpt over :)

Ooh, good find. Now I can do the feet and add the various vents and flaps. Not to mention reference. But I'm still going to go with lts's stuff for the rest.

Hmm..that clay idea is tempting. Don't know how steep the costs would be though...
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Belakor said:
Thanks Ruze :) and feel free to convert them. I would do it myself but I'm running out of free time for all these things ;)
Why not do both? ;)
I know someone that is using these files for that exact reason. The pep files are reinforced with fiberglass and then clay can be used on top of that to do the actual sculpting. That way you get the proportions right from the start and you don't have to worry about doing any lifecasts to get accurate forms to sculpt over :)
Twice the work, but I might do it eventualy, ;)
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The Files are great and easy, are the Ear and Neck Part are mounted on the Head????

I have the Crown and Face together, but no Plan how to mount the Ear Part....i see there no Way, pls help!
Hehe already pep'd 2. My new Respirator came today, so il get glassing after :)

Pics of the helm's.





LOL. Shure kick's the S*** out of my old one!

Im going to start glassing the white one. I made the one out of coloured card, because I was bored as hell :cautious: hehe. It cured the boredom! :lol:
I imported all the PDO's into the designer, and they all line up. So I suppose that would mean they would be all scaled the same, right?

LOL! I did the same thing. I'd say it does, or you could import them all scale them and then print the whole lot off! Though it'd be better to do it in stages to ensure it all fits.

Great work on this though, it looks awesome!
smilie120 said:
Hehe already pep'd 2. My new Respirator came today, so il get glassing after :)


LOL. Shure kick's the S*** out of my old one!

Im going to start glassing the white one. I made the one out of coloured card, because I was bored as hell :cautious: hehe. It cured the boredom! :lol:

Is that the file on this thread or is it a different one? It looks different than the one I have.


Nevermind I had something set wrong in my program.
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I've noticed this pep helmet is much more elongated than the actual movie piece, and I think I'm actually okay with that. Atleast for my helmet, it gives it a somewhat more sinister, sleek appearance.
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