Need help with getting Ender 3 V2 set up right.

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Hi, I was looking to use a ender 3 v2 to print my odst helmet for my cosplay but I can't stop my printer from failing, it gets about 8 mins in to a print then it will pull up what ever it has done, it will just catch the edge of a bit it has printed and then it will rip it up. So anyone with any ideas to fix it plz leave a idea in the form.
Hi, I was looking to use a ender 3 v2 to print my odst helmet for my cosplay but I can't stop my printer from failing, it gets about 8 mins in to a print then it will pull up what ever it has done, it will just catch the edge of a bit it has printed and then it will rip it up. So anyone with any ideas to fix it plz leave an idea in the form.
Try using a glue stick if it’s an adhesion problem that fixed my issue :)
Had the same problem with my family's one. Try re-leveling the bed, increasing bed temp from default 60 to about 70-75 for (pla/pla +, don't know about abs or other) and maybe increase your nozzle temp a bit. I found a lot of my prints failed because the plastic cooled to much on the bed nd bent up or the extruder hit the print from not being level. Also definitely get the upgrade yellow springs. Their cheap, easy to install, and worth 110% worth it when it comes to leveling your bed. I printed everything from halo 28mm models to an odst helmet myself with those springs and its gone great.
If it's curling up at the edges it's bed adhesion. Depending on bed type and material you might need to keep the temperature in the room higher or adjust bed temperature. If you're using a glass bed you can use hairspray or glue stick to help as well, but I swear by spring steel magnetic beds. But from your description it sounds a LOT more like a bed leveling issue. You'll want to take your time leveling it, manual leveling is definitely annoying but if you don't take the time there you'll have nothing but problems later on. It might print OK for the first few layers, or even first few hours, but the slight difference in bed level could cause the nozzle to knock things over later in the print. Keep in mind with bed slingers you'll need to check your leveling pretty often just to make sure nothing moved.
Hi, I was looking to use a ender 3 v2 to print my odst helmet for my cosplay but I can't stop my printer from failing, it gets about 8 mins in to a print then it will pull up what ever it has done, it will just catch the edge of a bit it has printed and then it will rip it up. So anyone with any ideas to fix it plz leave a idea in the form.
This could be a few issues. I need to know a few things; is it a heated bed? What kind of material are you using? Temps/speed?

Typically this is a bed level issue. I recommend always printing squares in the corner of you print bed and ensuring you have proper spacing on each one. YOU SHOULD NOT NEED GLUE. These printers are designed to print without the help of glue, you should exhaust all other methods before gluing your bed. Certainly check youtube videos for how to level the bed without only using paper, as this is very inaccurate.

Also make sure that bed is clean clean clean. Filament won't stick if there's dust or oil on the bed. Maybe send a few picture of your first layer and testing squares, that will help me see what's up. :)
Also make sure that bed is clean clean clean. Filament won't stick if there's dust or oil on the bed. Maybe send a few picture of your first layer and testing squares, that will help me see what's up. :)
To piggy back on this - don't clean your glass bed with acetone. It will remove the coating that helps the plastics stick and then you will need extra adhesion. At least, that's what the internet told me I did to mine and that's why I use painters tape on my glass bed.

Hi, I was looking to use a ender 3 v2 to print my odst helmet for my cosplay but I can't stop my printer from failing, it gets about 8 mins in to a print then it will pull up what ever it has done, it will just catch the edge of a bit it has printed and then it will rip it up. So anyone with any ideas to fix it plz leave a idea in the form.
For this I feel like it's probably the bed level but also make sure the z axis is working right and nothing is getting in the way of the hotend rising. Like if it's getting caught or something then it wouldn't be able to raise up to the next layer and it would knock it over. Like print diff objects and see if it's always the same height or if it's at a certain time or what.
To piggy back on this - don't clean your glass bed with acetone. It will remove the coating that helps the plastics stick and then you will need extra adhesion. At least, that's what the internet told me I did to mine and that's why I use painters tape on my glass bed.
Who on earth would use acetone?!?!? Isopropyl alcohol is more than enough
Thank you for all the help and ideas, i have relieved the bed, I'm now try using a glue stick and i have raised the bed tem to 70.
But thank you for all your help
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