Your opinion on Halo-Online

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well I think we had gotten that down fangs, so back to my guestion I did some looking around and had a map that had some tester on it... lets just say it crashed a few times. because of the mod they where testing.
Ok guys... So I got to the Russian halo online site, But I have no idea on HOW to play because every damn thing is in Russian!!! Could anyone please help?
Ok guys... So I got to the Russian halo online site, But I have no idea on HOW to play because every damn thing is in Russian!!! Could anyone please help?

cant help you with this here, please read Fangs' post above.
My girlfriend liking the mods to the weapons. It adds a potential for customization of some of the "standard" weapons that are currently available. Otherwise, I do hope that Halo Online will provide a possible addition of the games to play through. Personally, I don't like PvP much.
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