Hi, it's my best friend birthday, i never give him a good present and we are old mates...so after his last present (a new gunpla. zaku II master grade) i decided to give him a big present,when i started with my armor long time ago he wanted to create an EOD helmet too...he never did it, from that time from when i started my real suit passed two years and i think he forgot that. so i pepped an HD halo 3 EOD and i want to make it his personal EOD...i will use as base his halo 4 spartan and i wanted to make it really special...i'm sab because it won't be wearable due to the scaling...it's a surprise so i can't just misure his head while he sleep...now i'm asking your help for some cool ideas to use on this build...the EOD will be white, with secondary color black and black visor. i will add a stencil of two DMR crossed on a side, since is his favourite weapon, and in the back there will be his logo. flaming rock horns. i will not use a lot of body filler since the details of the file are the same as the in-game model...i will add details on the "tubes section" like this build: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/184/3/b/halo_3_eod_helmet_by_hyperballistik-d3kvwue.jpg and if i have some time i will try to build a stand. let me know what you think and if you have some ideas on how to make a even better helm, if it can be usefull here is a link of his service records on halo 4: https://app.halowaypoint.com/it-it/Halo4/GODz Viper/home