Reaction score

  • Hi, I saw the interview just a moment ago (I know, I'm a bit late). Since it appears you would like to make a suit of your own, if you ever want any help with unfolding, or rescaling, or the pep designer program in general, feel free to ask me! In any case, I'm pleased to meet you, and happy to have you on the site.
    you are so lucky to be Kat lol =) that is a life accomplishment
    Here you go cookiemonster:) Please don't eat my cookie when im not lokking:3
    Cooki3monster, you are obsessed with telling people they are obsessed. That is not a great way to make friends.
    However, some people would have really creeped me out by now if this was my page....
    did they let you keep the armor ?
    Loved the interview! I admire your apreciation for things that are badass. Hopefully there will be many more armor related gigs in your future!
    might be a little late to say, but stumbled on your news article on the site and wanted to say congrats!

    you do remind me of her character a lot, subtracting anything from her game looks, your looks are just about where I placed what she had looked like. (based off the books)
    you encouraged me to continue my armor. i wasn't planning on finishing it but you made it seem so fun to have it.
    Hello! Read the interview a while back, just wanted to say great work rockin' that armour! You look great in it, and as a huge Halo nerd, it would definitely be an honour to meet you whenever I can get the funds to get myself to some form of CON :) (I'm a 22 y/o game design student from Alaska btw, so funds for attending a con haven't been too forthcoming, lol)

    Well, I don't mean to be a bother, just thought I'd drop you a line and a late welcome to the 405th!
    Hope to see some more halo work from you!

    - vypr07
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I'm a tall blonde who loves all things video game related<3

Jan 11, 1990 (Age: 35)
Your mother's basement
Professional flying carpet driving instructor