1st Spartan Build - Halo Reach Female


New Member
Hello everyone! I have no idea if I'm doing this whole thread posting thing correctly but here goes:

I've had my mind on my next big armor build (after Samus's Varia suit and an oc mando) and decided to try my hand at the intricate and detailed Reach Spartan armor and undersuit. I'd love to go for the highest tier of accuracy and am looking for Female Reach Spartan armor files in .stl or .obj format for 3D printing. So far I haven't seen anything except files for pepakura and foam armor, so please if anyone can help out with finding files for me, that would be a huge help!!

Also, I'm not sure where to find threads on accurate Reach armor paint, but I'll definitely be interested in more research about that. (I'm going all in with this project lol)

This is where I'll be posting progress, I'll be able to start crafting over the summer hopefully, and am expecting this project to take a while, I won't be subject to con crunching (not again, I hope).

For a brief outline of the steps:
1. Print and finish the helmet (will provide a lot of momentum for starting the next step)
2. Outline the details of the undersuit and create a pattern for it
3. Sew and finish the undersuit using stretch pleather and upholstery foam
4. 3D print the armor
5. Map out connecting pieces and seams for easy in and out of armor, gluing the rest together
6. Map out places for hidden buckles, elastic, and straps, and maybe a harness to hold all the armor in place on me
7. Paint and weather armor
8. Install lights and voice amplification system (more research to be done on this)
9. Figure out a way to make a visor for the GRD/AKIS helmet (cuz that'll be the biggest challenge I think)

If anyone has any helpful advice, please lmk! I would any help to make this as accurate as can be! Thanks for stopping by.
I highly recommend Titlewave if you're doing a lot of printing. Very easy to print and put together and he includes pep files for the undersuit if you have access to Pepakura Designer. He also modeled the armor with straps and magnets taken into consideration for easier assembly.
You've got this!

If you are looking for reach armor files beyond this website there is Titlewave, Nerdforgedesign, Instinctcreative3D and I'm sure others that I don't know about.
I highly recommend Titlewave if you're doing a lot of printing. Very easy to print and put together and he includes pep files for the undersuit if you have access to Pepakura Designer. He also modeled the armor with straps and magnets taken into consideration for easier assembly.
Thanks so much for the advice! I did take a look at Titlewave and Instinctcreative3D, and they have great armor files, just none for a female build. Maybe I could import them to Armorsmith and see if they'll conform to a female figure. I'll check out Nerdforge as well! Those files for the undersuit will come in VERY handy, the undersuit build looks pretty intimidating.
Thanks so much for the advice! I did take a look at Titlewave and Instinctcreative3D, and they have great armor files, just none for a female build. Maybe I could import them to Armorsmith and see if they'll conform to a female figure. I'll check out Nerdforge as well! Those files for the undersuit will come in VERY handy, the undersuit build looks pretty intimidating.
Outside of adjusting for figure, the only major difference im aware of between Mark Vb Male and Female (or Heavy and Light according to MCC) is the shins. Which i think the design team did because they wanted to keep the foot the same but made the legs narrower, so the female shins look more like bell bottoms.
In addition to the shape of the shins, the Female Spartan model in Reach also had a different handplate. However, the handplate is a pretty straight forward piece, so, even if the rest of your build is 3D printed, you could knock out a foam or Pep handplate using the files in the armory:

I don't know why I blanked on this, Moe did models for Kat. He did even included a full right arm.

In addition to the shape of the shins, the Female Spartan model in Reach also had a different handplate. However, the handplate is a pretty straight forward piece, so, even if the rest of your build is 3D printed, you could knock out a foam or Pep handplate using the files in the armory:

I don't know why I blanked on this, Moe did models for Kat. He did even included a full right arm.

Oh man, thank you!! That makes things much easier lol, I appreciate your help!
This may be a useful resources for you, KitKatGoose has made a very nice Tier 3 Kat armour set. Here is her build thread:
This may be a useful resources for you, KitKatGoose has made a very nice Tier 3 Kat armour set. Here is her build thread:
Thank you! Yes, I am familiar with her build, its simply incredible!! I haven't thought to take a look at her thread yet so I'll certainly be looking into that, thanks!
Hello everyone! I have no idea if I'm doing this whole thread posting thing correctly but here goes:

I've had my mind on my next big armor build (after Samus's Varia suit and an oc mando) and decided to try my hand at the intricate and detailed Reach Spartan armor and undersuit. I'd love to go for the highest tier of accuracy and am looking for Female Reach Spartan armor files in .stl or .obj format for 3D printing. So far I haven't seen anything except files for pepakura and foam armor, so please if anyone can help out with finding files for me, that would be a huge help!!

Also, I'm not sure where to find threads on accurate Reach armor paint, but I'll definitely be interested in more research about that. (I'm going all in with this project lol)

This is where I'll be posting progress, I'll be able to start crafting over the summer hopefully, and am expecting this project to take a while, I won't be subject to con crunching (not again, I hope).

For a brief outline of the steps:
1. Print and finish the helmet (will provide a lot of momentum for starting the next step)
2. Outline the details of the undersuit and create a pattern for it
3. Sew and finish the undersuit using stretch pleather and upholstery foam
4. 3D print the armor
5. Map out connecting pieces and seams for easy in and out of armor, gluing the rest together
6. Map out places for hidden buckles, elastic, and straps, and maybe a harness to hold all the armor in place on me
7. Paint and weather armor
8. Install lights and voice amplification system (more research to be done on this)
9. Figure out a way to make a visor for the GRD/AKIS helmet (cuz that'll be the biggest challenge I think)

If anyone has any helpful advice, please lmk! I would any help to make this as accurate as can be! Thanks for stopping by.
Try thingverse for some decently modeled reach armor files. moesizzlac has very well done models. Edit, didn't see the other comment saying the exact same thing lol
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